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PicklistType Enumeration

The type of the Picklist. A Picklist can be one type only.

Namespace:  NetQuarry
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum PicklistType
  Member nameValueDescription
SQL1This list is a normal SQL statment with 1 or more columns.
StandardPicklist2 This list is a "standard" picklist with values stored in the database. Standard picklist items include built-in support for localization.
Enum3This list is a picklist populated with an enumeration.
NumericRange4 This list is a simple numeric range. Generally these are created dynamically on ComboBox fields as specified by the NumericDropdown cell attribute and the Min and Max properties.
Intrinsic5 This list is an intrinsic, programmatically generated platform list as defined in IntrinsicPicklists.
Custom6This list is a custom, programmatically generated list using a class derived from PicklistDynamic.
See Also