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BootstrapBreakpoints Enumeration

Bootstrap breakpoints.

Namespace:  NetQuarry
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum BootstrapBreakpoints
  Member nameValueDescription
ExtraSmall10Portrait phones, corresponds to the Bootstrap-4 and Bootstrap-3 'xs' breakpoint.
Small20Landscape phones, corresponds to the Bootstrap-4 'sm' and Bootstrap-3 (extended via bootstrap-ms.less) 'ms' breakpoint.
Medium30Tablets, corresponds to the Bootstrap-4 'md' and Bootstrap-3 'sm' breakpoint.
Large40Desktops, corresponds to the Bootstrap-4 'lg' and Bootstrap-3 'md' breakpoint.
ExtraLarge50Extra large desktops, cCorresponds to the Bootstrap-4 'xl' and Bootstrap-3 'lg' breakpoint.
See Also