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ExtResults Enumeration

Results to be returned as a result of an IExtension event. It is set in the EAPEventArgs.Result object provided by the event.

Namespace:  NetQuarry
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum ExtResults
  Member nameValueDescription
Continue0Everything is normal continue with the operation.
DataChanged500 Indicates that some related data changed as a result of the extension's handling of the event.
ContinueIgnore600 Continue as if the cause of the event had not occurred. This is generally returned in response to events which indicate an anomaly.
ContinueNoMoreExt650 Continue with the current operation, but stop processing this event on remaining extensions. The operation will continue but no events will be fired on lower priority extensions. For example, if returned in response to a RowBeforeUpdate event, the extension will be the last hander prior to any SQL statements being executed.
ContinueNoExec700 Continue with the current operation, but skip the "meat". For example, if returned in response to a RowBeforeUpdate event, the event will continue, but no SQL statements will be executed.
CancelWhenDone800 The operation should finish firing this event on all other appropriate extensions and then cancel the operation.
HandledByExt850 The extension handled the action (typically a save of some kind) and the action should be continued as if the invoker had itself successfully performed the action. To cancel the entire operation a result of HandledInFull should be returned.
HandledInFull875 The extension handled the action (typically a save of some kind) and no furtner action should be performed and no further events should be fired with regard to the event. To cancel the immediate operation, but continue with related processing and events, a result of HandledByExt should be returned.
Cancel900 Cancel the operation immediately and do not fire the event to additional extensions. This typically results in a cancellation error being displayed to the user. To cancel without such an error a result of HandledInFull is typically returned.
Error1000 An error occurred and the operation should be aborted. This typically results in a error message being displayed to the user.
See Also