Click or drag to resize

WizListOptions Enumeration

Wizard list page options.

Namespace:  NetQuarry
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum WizListOptions
  Member nameValueDescription
AllowAddViaFind1Allow user to find existing items and add them to the list.
AllowRemoveItems2Allow user to remove items (including those not added to the list by the user).
AllowAddNew8Allow new items to be created and added to the list.
ShowLinksAsButtons16Render add links as buttons for list edit actions.
NoRefresh32Don't display the refresh option on the edit list.
AllowDrilldown64Allow drilldown navigation to items in the list.
NoImmediateValidation128Do not perform field validation and formatting upon loss of focus (instead validate only when leaving the page). Applies to editable lists only.
FieldListOnly256Reduce page size by treating all fields not in the FieldList as Sensitive and not rendering them into the list's HTML unless visible.
FitToPage512Fits list content to page adding scrollbars as needed to the containing DIV. Applies to FullPageScrolling mode only as this is the normal behaviour otherwise.
AllowSorting1024Allow the user to sort list columns. Currently only available in WizPhantomEditList and only in non-LegacyRendering mode.
AllowFiltering2048Allow the user to filter using an FBF row. Currently only available in WizPhantomEditList and only in non-LegacyRendering mode.
See Also