| Member name | Value | Description |
| ShowInfo | 3001 | Show debug information for this application -- not yet implemented. |
| UserTimeZoneSet | 3002 |
Set the user's current timezone. This sets the TimeZone on the UserContext and
sets the user timezone in the application's TimeZones collection (TZ index -1).
The timezone should be provided in param #1. The timezone can be either a TimeZone object or a timezone ID.
To set the timezone based on an offset, in minutes, from UTC, pass the offset as the parameter and specify
either the BrowserOffsetFromUtc or WindowsOffsetFromUtc flag, as apropriate.
See TimeZoneSetFlags for additional options that can be provided in the flags parameter.
| SavePreferences | 3003 |
Save any changes to Preferences and update the application context to
reflect the latest settings. This includes setting the user's TimeZone and
locale settings.
| FunctionInfo | 3004 |
Retrieve HTML documenting the currently loaded embedded functions.
| StandardNavQSParamsFromRequest | 3005 |
Builds a URL query parameter substring using parameters from the current HTTP request.
A semi-colon separated list of parameter names to extract can be provided as Param #1.
If no list is provided, then the set of "standard" platform parameters are extracted.
At the time of this writing, the list of "standard" parameters is:
For standard, subform navigation see SubformNavQSParamsFromRequest.
| LoadTenantPermissionedIds | 3006 |
Load the set of ID's of tenant-specific items permissioned-in for the current tenant.
The ObjectTypeKey (e.g. "report", "page", "page_element") must be provided in param #1.
| PopupTemplate | 3007 |
Determine the popup override template, if any. The override is specified in the PopupManagement
feature's DefaultPopupTemplate property, but only applies to certain overrideable templates.
The target MOP should be specified in Param #1.
If an override is found, and appropriate for the target page (for example, PopupDialogTemplate.aspx is not
an appropriate override for WizTemplate.aspx), the ComponentInfo object is returned and
its Component is normally added to the url like: url += "&template=" + ci.Component;.
If no appropriate component is determined null is returned.
See also PopupTemplateComponent.
| AppVersion | 3008 |
Provided for backward compatibility. For efficiency, use AppVersion instead.
Gets the application build version number (not the platform version number). Currently this is determined from the file version of the first
application extension (if any).
| CompleteVersion | 3009 |
Constructs an application/platform version string for use when VersionBanner is set.
| ExecuteTask | 3010 |
Executes a scheduled task by name. Invokes the ICmdHandler for the specified task. The task
information is obtained from xmv_scheduled_tasks_view. This is primarily intended for use with the TaskRunner.
| ReferrerPageUnavailable | 3011 |
Determines whether or not the user has access to the referrer page (the page from which the
current request was made). This property returns true ONLY if a referrer is provided AND
the referrer has a MOP specified, AND that MOP is NOT accessible to the current user. That
set of conditions typically indicates that the user is trying to use two accounts in separate
windows of the same browser which is not supportable.
A specific referrer MOP may be specified in parameter #1. This should only be used on a request
where the MOP would not be expected to be found as the "mop" parameter on the referring URL
(e.g. a Find request).
| SubformNavQSParamsFromRequest | 3012 |
Builds a URL query parameter substring, using parameters from the current HTTP request,
that is appropriate for subform navigation.
Note that subform navigation includes navigating within a subform or within a page that was "moved up" from a subform.
At the time of this writing, the list of "standard" subform navigation parameters is:
For standard, non-subform navigation see StandardNavQSParamsFromRequest.
| PopupTemplateComponent | 3013 |
Determine the popup override template, if any. The override is specified in the PopupManagement
feature's DefaultPopupTemplate property, but only applies to certain overrideable templates.
The target MOP should be specified in Param #1.
An optional default template (typically "PopupDialogTemplate.asxp" may be specified in Param #2.
If an override is found, and appropriate for the target page (for example, PopupDialogTemplate.aspx is not
an appropriate override for WizTemplate.aspx), the component string is returned and
is normally added to the url like: url += "&template=" + comp;.
If no appropriate component is determined a null/empty string is returned.
See also PopupTemplate.
| UnhandledErrorSuppression | 3014 |
Returns a bool specifying whether or not detailed information in error messages from unhandled errors should be suppressed
and a more general message displayed to the user. At this time suppression applies only to unhandled SqlException exceptions.
Note that unhandled exceptions do not include errors that would be commonly expected from normal use of an application, for example
filter-by-form errors such as a user accidentally typing "Jamuary" instead of "January" when filtering a date field.
The determination of whether or not the an unhandled error message should be suppressed is made based on the value of the
UnhandledErrorSuppression key in the config file which may specify one of these values:
- 0 - No message suppression. The raw message should be displayed to the user.
- 1 - Non-developer message suppression. The raw message should only be when IsDeveloper is true.
- 2 - Full message suppression. The raw message should never be displayed to any user.
This is primarily intended for internal use.
| ReloadVocab | 3015 |
Reloads the Vocab collection using the current VocabTenantID.
| ReloadBrowserInfo | 3016 |
Replaces BrowserInfo object at Browser with a new instance constructed from the current request's UserAgent.
This is generally not recommended except for testing purposes. In order to minimize the likelihood of application code making this call without proper
consideration the command requires that "please" be passed in Param #1.
| ReloadTemplates | 3017 |
Force a reload of the Templates collection. This is used when default templates have been overridden and
there is a need to restore the collection to it's initial state.
| RestrictNav | 3018 |
Determines whether or not navigation should be restricted.
Currently the determination is based on the current user's Attributes the
SecurityAttributes setting.
When restricted navigation is in force the application Appbar, FooterBar, and Navbar should be suppressed.
Returns true if navigation should be suppressed, else false.
| ApplicationWelcomeText | 3019 |
Returns the proposed welcome text for the application. This consolidates the code between SingleFrameMaster, FolderToolbar, and BootstrapMaster
| ReloadNavigators | 3020 |
Forces a reload of the application's Navigators.
| ReloadPageInfos | 3021 |
Forces a reload of the application's PageInfos.
| AuthenticateUser | 3022 |
Uses the current application to authenticate the specified user. Typically Note that user can be a different
user than
Flags - Provide AuthenticationFlags in the flag parameter to control behaviour.
Param #1 - The authentication provider to use. You can provide either a live
IAuthenticationProvider object, or a fully qualified type name of the
provider (e.g. "NetQuarry.Security.DatabaseAuthenticationProvider").
Param #2 - The user ID.
Param #3 - The password.
| AppTypeSet | 3023 |
Sets the AppType for the application.
Flags - Provide the AppType as the flag parameter.
| AppTypeGet | 3024 |
Gets the AppType for the application.
| ReloadSettings | 3025 |
Reloads the Settings collection.
Note that you can test the LoadedDate to determine when the collection was last loaded.
| GetSystemFunctionDatasource | 3026 |
Gets the database object associated with a specific system functional area. e.g., Logging, Audit, etc.
| GetServerEnvironment | 3027 |
Gets the AppServerEnvironment for the current environment.
| ValidatePasswordRules | 3028 |
Validates a password using the application's PasswordRuleRegEx.
Unless AllowNullPassword is specified, null/empty passwords will be treated as invalid.
The default behaviour of this command is to throw a EAPSecurityException exception when validation fails.
However, if DoNotThrow is specified, the error message that would
otherwise have been thrown will be returned instead. When that option is specified a return of a null/empty string indicates
that the password validated successfully.
Note that if no custom PasswordRuleRegEx is specified then the default
RegEx rule /^([a-zA-Z0-9]{8,})/ (may contain only letters and digits and must be at least 8 characters long) is applied.
Flags - Provide PasswordRuleValidationOpts as the flag parameter.
Param #1 - The password to validate.
Param #2 - Optional override for the error message to use if validation fails.
If omitted, the message is generally obtained from PasswordRuleMessage.
| RegisterFunctionParser | 3029 |
Register the functions for the specified IFunctionParser object.
Function parsers are automatically loaded from the xmt_components table when the application is loaded and that
is the standard mechanism for loading them. This command is provided to allow a parser to be loaded programmatically.
| TwoFactorLogin | 3030 |
Handles the test and login (redirect) for two-factor login.
| LoginAs | 3031 |
Logs in as the specified user.
Param #1 - The user_guid of the user to do the login.