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PageExtensionBase Class

Base class for page extensions. Page extensions implement the IExtension interface and response to ExtensionEvents. For the different page event sequences see Remarks, below.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  NetQuarry
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public class PageExtensionBase : ExtensionBase

The PageExtensionBase type exposes the following members.

Public methodPageExtensionBase
Initializes a new instance of the PageExtensionBase class
Public propertyApplication
Gets the IAppContext object (obtained from AppContext).
Protected propertyIsPlatform
Gets whether or not the extension is a platform extension vs. a custom extension.
(Inherited from ExtensionBase.)
Public propertyOwner
Gets/Sets the owner of this object
(Inherited from ExtensionBase.)
Public propertyPageTemplate
Gets the IPageTemplate object owning this extension. Normally the Owner of this extension will implement the IPageTemplate interface, but, if not, you may be able to access the owner using Owner.
Public propertyProperties
Returns this instance's properties.
(Inherited from ExtensionBase.)
Public propertyCode exampleTextItems
Returns a collection of TextItems loaded from metadata related to this component.
(Inherited from ExtensionBase.)
Protected methodConsolePaneAfterRequery
Fired by a IConsoleTemplate immediately following Requery(RequeryHints). See also ConsolePaneAfterRequery, the underlying raw event.
Protected methodConsolePaneBeforeBind
Fired by a IConsoleTemplate immediately prior to BindPage(Page, Control, Boolean) during which the mapper would be expected to fire its MapperBeforeLayout and MapperAfterLayout events. This is the first pane event where the pane's IMapper can be reliably obtained. This event also provides the best opportunity for programmatically adding page commands that can result in a PageCommand(Object, EAPCommandEventArgs) event. See also ConsolePaneBeforeBind, the underlying raw event.
Protected methodConsolePaneBeforeLayout
Fired by a IConsoleTemplate pane immediately prior to pane layout. See also ConsolePaneBeforeLayout, the underlying raw event.
Protected methodConsolePaneBeforeRequery
Fired by a IConsoleTemplate immediately prior to Requery(RequeryHints). See also ConsolePaneBeforeRequery, the underlying raw event.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodGetOwnerName
Gets a descriptive name for the provided object (which is presumably the extension owner object).
(Inherited from ExtensionBase.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodHandleEvent
Handle a page event. Note that if you override this method in order to handle a custom event you should generally call base.HandleEvent for other events to allow for normal processing.
(Overrides ExtensionBaseHandleEvent(ExtensionEvents, Object, EAPEventArgs).)
Public methodInfo
Return requested information about the extension.
(Inherited from ExtensionBase.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodOnEvent
IExtension.OnEvent handler. Note that generally speaking, you will want to override the individual methods specific to the event and not implement the interface directly.
(Inherited from ExtensionBase.)
Protected methodOnSetOwner
When the Owner is attached to this extension, verifies that the object a page object (implementing IPageTemplate). Attaching any other object indicates that this extension was likely attached to the wrong type of object and results in a devlog to that effect.
(Overrides ExtensionBaseOnSetOwner.)
Public methodOnUnload
Notifies the extension that it should perform any cleanup necessary just prior to being unloaded.
(Inherited from ExtensionBase.)
Protected methodPageCommand
Fired on the page extensions when a page command (toolbar button, action menu) is clicked. The command is first fired via a MapperCommand event. If the result of that event is Continue this event is then fired. This allows for extensions attached to a page having multiple mappers associated (e.g. a IConsoleTemplate) to have a single extension on the page handle the event regardless of which IMapper is current. See also PageCommand, the underlying raw event.
Protected methodSchedulerNavigationComplete
Fired on the page extensions collection when the scheduler completes a navigation or view change.
Public methodToString
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodWizardBeforeFinalSave
Fired immediately following the final WizardDataExchange(Object, WizardDataExchangeArgs) event, but before the actual Save operation, providing the ability for an extension to examine the fully-populated IMapper just prior to its Save operation being invoked and take action based on the mapper's data. The primary purpose of this event is to provide a final opportunity to cancel the save operation. See also WizardBeforeFinalSave, the underlying raw event.
Protected methodWizardBeforePageLoad
Called when a IWizardTemplate wizard page is about to be loaded. At the time this event is fired the wizard page has not yet been loaded and added to the System.Web.UI.Page object, but it has been set up for loading. This means that the UserData is available. The primary intent of this event is to provide access to the wizard page descriptor and UserData prior to the wizard page's mapper being loaded. See WizardPageLoad(Object, WizardPageEventArgs) which would more accurately be named WizardAfterPageLoad. See also WizardBeforePageLoad, the underlying raw event.
Protected methodWizardCancel
Fired when the cancel button is clicked on a IWizardTemplate wizard. The event is fired just prior to the page's cancel logic being executed. See also WizardCancel, the underlying raw event.
Protected methodWizardCommand
Fired when the user clicks a custom wizard button. See also WizardCommand, the underlying raw event.
Protected methodWizardComplete
Fired at the very end of the wizard invocation. This event is fired AFTER the WizardFinish(Object, WizardPageEventArgs)event, the final WizardDataExchange(Object, WizardDataExchangeArgs) event, the WizardBeforeFinalSave(IWizardTemplate, WizardFinalSaveEventArgs) event, and the actual Save operation providing the ability to override the wizard's final page ContinueText or FinishScript. It also provide a good event from which to perform a custom navigation. See also WizardComplete, the underlying raw event.
Protected methodWizardDataExchange
Fired at various stages in the page life-cycle when wizard page data is being transfered. See also WizardDataExchange, the underlying raw event.
Protected methodWizardFinish
Fired when the finish button is clicked on a IWizardTemplate wizard. The event is fired just prior to the page's finish logic (typically a save operation of some kind) being executed. To respond to movement among wizard pages, you should handle WizardNext(Object, WizardPageEventArgs) and/or WizardPrev(Object, WizardPageEventArgs). See also WizardFinish, the underlying raw event.
Protected methodWizardNext
Fired when the next button is clicked on a IWizardTemplate wizard. The most common reason for handling this event is to redirect navigation to another page within the wizard by setting the event's NextPage property. At the time of this event the parent's wizard's CurrentPage property is the projected destination page and the PrevPage is the page just departed. The IWizPage object will be the page being departed.
Protected methodWizardPageLoad
Fired after a IWizardTemplate wizard page is loaded. At the time this event is fired the wizard page has been loaded and added to the System.Web.UI.Page object. This event would more accurately be called WizardAfterPageLoad, but retains its original name for backward compatibility. See WizardBeforePageLoad(Object, WizardPageEventArgs) which is fired prior to the page being loaded. See also WizardAfterPageLoad, the underlying raw event.
Protected methodWizardPaneBeforeLayout
Fired by an IWizContainerPane immediately prior to pane layout, and before Requery(RequeryHints). Note that at the time this event is fired the pane's IMapper has generally not yet been created. Use the WizardPaneMapperLoaded(IWizardTemplate, WizardEventArgs) event for the earliest access to an element's IMapper. See also WizardPaneBeforeLayout, the underlying raw event.
Protected methodWizardPaneMapperLoaded
Fired on the IWizardTemplate when one of its PageElementInfo elements has completed the initial load of its IMapper. This generally provides the earliest access to the element's IMapper. Note that this event is fired for each element regardless of whether or not it is hosted in a IWizContainerPane. See also WizardPaneMapperLoaded, the underlying raw event.
Protected methodWizardPrev
Fired when the previous button is clicked on a IWizardTemplate wizard. The most common reason for handling this event is to redirect navigation to another page within the wizard by setting the event's NextPage property. At the time of this event the parent's wizard's CurrentPage property is the projected destination page and the PrevPage is the page just departed. The IWizPage object will be the page being departed.
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodEqualValue
Determines if the object value is equal to another object. If the two objects are null, then this returns true. There is special handling for guid comparisons (since a guid could be a string formatted in up to 3 different ways). If the special guid handling is not performed, then the object.Equals method is used.
(Defined by EAPUtil.)
For console pages the general sequence of events is:

For wizard pages this is the general sequence of events when the user clicks the Next or Previous button (note that for pages hosting a WizGrouper each of these events is fired for each pane in the grouper):

For wizard pages this is the general sequence of events when the user clicks the Finish button (note that for pages hosting a WizGrouper each of these events is fired for each pane in the grouper):

See Also