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WizDataExchangeType Enumeration

Identifies the type of data transfer for which a WizardDataExchange event is being fired.

Namespace:  NetQuarry
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum WizDataExchangeType
  Member nameValueDescription
AfterMapperToUserDataNext1 Data has just been transferred from the posted-back IMapper into the wizard's UserData in the process of moving from one page to the next.
NextPageToUserData1Deprecated, please use AfterMapperToUserDataNext instead.
AfterMapperToUserDataFinal2 Data has just been transferred from the posted-back IMapper into the wizard's UserData in the process of finalizing the wizard and preparing for the final save.
FinalPageToUserData2Deprecated, please use AfterMapperToUserDataFinal instead.
BeforeMapperToUserDataNext3 Data has is about to be transferred from the posted-back IMapper into the wizard's UserData in the process of moving from one page to the next.
BeforeMapperToUserDataFinal4 Data has is about to be transferred from the posted-back IMapper into the wizard's UserData in the process of finalizing the wizard and preparing for the final save.
See Also