IAppContext Interface |
The Application context object holds information that is used throughout each page (or server) request. The Application is available to all objects, either as a direct parameter or property on an existing object. The Application object is created as the first object in any request, and when possible it is cached for performance purposes. The application hosts extensions and fires various application ExtensionEvents to those extensions. The normal IAppContext implementation is provided by the AppContext object.
The following properties are commonly accessed:
The following methods are commonly used:
Namespace: NetQuarry
The IAppContext type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
ApplicationRoot |
Returns the root virtual folder for the application.
| |
AppVersion |
Gets the application build version number (not the platform version number). Currently this is determined from the file version of the first
application extension (if any).
| |
BestTextCulture |
Gets the best text locale available to the application (according to the available resource files) to satisfy the
desired locale specified via the application's CultureInfo property.
Note that this is the "best" text locale available, but not all text items are necessarily available from the "best"
resource. When no matching text is found in the "best" resource, other resources will be searched.
At this time the platform provides a standard "en" (theoretically non-specific English, but in practice U.S. English) resource file only.
An application can include custom resource files by placing appropriately named resource files in the folder specified in
the CustomResourcePath application property.
| |
Browser |
Returns the BrowserInfo information object about the current request's browser.
| |
Components |
Returns the collection of ComponentInfo objects.
| |
CSRFToken |
Gets the current Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) token.
Normally the CSRF token is automatically injected into a form when the page is rendered and validated when the page
is posted back. You can use ValidateCSRFToken(String, CSRFValidationOptions) if explicit validation is required.
CSRF token use can be disabled by setting NoCSRFToken on the application.
A good CSRF overview can be found at
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Prevention Cheat Sheet
which describes CSRF thusly:
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is a type of attack that occurs when a malicious web site, email, blog, instant message, or program causes a user’s web browser to perform an unwanted action on a trusted site for which the user is currently authenticated. The impact of a successful CSRF attack is limited to the capabilities exposed by the vulnerable application. For example, this attack could result in a transfer of funds, changing a password, or purchasing an item in the user's context. In effect, CSRF attacks are used by an attacker to make a target system perform a function via the target's browser without knowledge of the target user, at least until the unauthorized transaction has been committed. | |
Culture |
The general CultureInfo (.Net culture object) to use for the application.
| |
CurrentPage |
Gets/sets the current .Net Page being rendered. In general, this value is set as soon as the application context
is attached to the page. Note that in cases where a page is not being rendered, e.g. AJAX calls, scheduled services,
etc., this value will be null.
| |
Databases |
The collection of IDatabase objects associated with this application.
| |
DataCache |
Gets the operational data CacheManager object for this application.
| |
DataDB | ||
DisposableObjects |
Returns a list of objects tracked by the application. These objects include all IDataReader objects opened
via OpenDataReader(String, IDbConnection, DataFuncOptions, String, String) and
all IMapper objects.
| |
DocumentLang |
Gets the language id to use for the page's HTML tag as specified in https://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-html-language-declarations.
Note that the language is based on the BestTextCulture value.
| |
EventInfos |
Returns the EventInfo objects collection.
| |
Extensions |
Gets the collection of IExtension objects configured for this application.
| |
Favorites |
Returns the favorites (bookmarks) collection for this user.
| |
Features |
Returns the current set of Feature objects for the application
| |
Filters |
The collection of SavedFilter objects for the application.
| |
ID |
Sets/Gets the application ID.
| |
IsDeveloper |
Determines whether or not the current user is a developer or the current code is a DEBUG build.
Note that IsProduction, IsTest, and IsDeveloper are independent of one
another and various combinations are valid.
| |
IsProduction |
Gets/Sets the value of the application property "IsProduction". The IsProduction flag is intended to suppress
possibly-sensitive developer information on a site that is on the open internet. Control of information that is
less sensitive and should be available in test systems, even when on the open internet, is based on the
IsTest property.
Note that IsProduction, IsTest, and IsDeveloper are independent of one
another and various combinations are valid.
| |
IsStrictMode |
Determines whether or not the application is being run in "strict" mode. In strict mode
platform security is more restrictive. In particular:
| |
IsTest |
Gets/Sets a flag is intended to suppress non-sensitive tester/developer information that should be available in
a test environment even when that system is on the open internet. More sensitive information that should always
be suppressed on the open internet, even in a test system, is controlled by the IsProduction
The IsTest property is controlled by the application's web.config
file's appSettings section test_environment key and defaults to false:
<appSettings> <add key="test_environment" value="true"/> </appSettings> | |
IsValid |
Indicates whether the context is valid or not.
| |
MasterDB |
Get the master data source IDatabase for the application. The master data source is consistent across all
tenants even when per-tenant data source mappings are used. When no such mappings are used this will be the same
as the DataDB.
The MasterDB is identified with the IsMaster attribute on its data source.
See also RepositoryDB.
| |
MetadataCache |
Gets/Sets the value of the application property "MetadataCache">
| |
MetaTableInfos |
Returns the MetaTableInfo objects collection.
| |
ModuleInfos |
The collection of ModuleInfo objects for the application.
| |
NamedFilters |
Returns the NamedFilter objects collection.
| |
Navigators |
The collection of Navigator objects for the application.
| |
PageInfos |
The collection of PageInfo objects for the application.
| |
PerfmonObjects |
The collection of PerfmonObjects objects for the application.
| |
Picklists |
Returns the collection of Picklist items.
| |
Properties |
The Properties collection of Property objects for this object.
(Inherited from IEAPBase.) | |
Reports |
Returns the collection of Report objects.
| |
RepositoryDB | ||
Services |
Returns the collection of IServiceInfo objects.
| |
Session |
Gets/sets the Session object.
| |
Settings |
The set of application settings loaded from the xot_app_setting.
| |
Templates |
Returns the collection of Template objects.
| |
TextItems | (Inherited from IEAPBase.) | |
TimeZones |
Returns the TimeZone object collection.
| |
TLSCache |
Provides access to this thread's Thread-Local Storage (TLS) cache.
| |
UserContext |
Returns the UserContext object.
| |
Version |
Gets/sets the version of this object's assembly.
(Inherited from IEAPBase.) | |
Versions |
The collection of EAPVersion objects for this application. The versions defined in this collection
can be used programmatically to control application behaviour in your code. It can also be used declaratively to
switch on/off certain meta-data thoughout the application:
Initially Versions are loaded into the collection from the xmt_versions table which is managed in the NetQuarry Studio. Versions can also be added (or removed or modified) programmatically. | |
Vocab |
Tenant-specific vocabulary overrides.
Name | Description | |
AuthenticateUser(String) |
Authenticates a user and populates the UserContext object.
Note that if the application is being used to authenticate a different user than the one associated
with the application (and therefore the user represented by UserContext) you
must use the AuthenticateUser command.
| |
AuthenticateUser(String, String, String) |
Authenticates the current user and populates/creates the UserContext object
using the specified IAuthenticationProvider.
Note that if the application is being used to authenticate a different user than the one associated
with the application (and therefore the user represented by UserContext) you
must use the AuthenticateUser command.
| |
AuthenticateUser(String, String, String, Int32) |
Authenticates the current user and populates/creates the UserContext object
using the specified IAuthenticationProvider.
Note that if the application is being used to authenticate a different user than the one associated
with the application (and therefore the user represented by UserContext) you
must use the AuthenticateUser command.
| |
Clone |
Clones this object and returns a new AppContext object.
| |
Clone(String, String) |
Clones this object and returns a new AppContext object.
| |
Clone(String, String, String) |
Clones this object and returns a new AppContext object.
| |
Close |
Closes the application's internal datasources and clean's up any user token state that exist.
| |
DisplayMessage(Alert) |
Registers a message, specified by the Alert object, for display on the next page rendering.
Note that this page message facility is built on top of the existing Alerts functionality. The message
information is stored in the xot_alerts table and delivered asynchronously via an AJAX call upon
the next page rendering.
| |
DisplayMessage(String, String, AlertDelivery, Int32, AlertAttrs) |
Registers a message for display on the next page rendering.
Note that this page message facility is built on top of the existing Alerts functionality. The message
information is stored in the xot_alerts table and delivered asynchronously via an AJAX call upon
the next page rendering.
| |
Dispose | Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. (Inherited from IDisposable.) | |
Exec |
The Exec method provides extended functionality.
(Inherited from IEAPBase.) | |
GetFirstNavigablePage |
Returns the first navigable page for this user
| |
GetPageInfo(String) |
Get the PageInfo object for the specified MOP.
| |
GetPageInfo(String, GetPageFlags) |
Get the PageInfo object for the specified MOP per the provided flags.
| |
GetPermaLink |
Returns a permanant link to an item by inserting the QueryString parameters supplied into the
main database's xot_url table.
| |
GetResourceString |
Returns the string for the given resource for this application's Culture.
| |
GetText(String) |
Returns a string from the TextItems collection
| |
GetText(String, String) |
Returns a string from the TextItems collection
| |
HasFeature(String) |
Returns true if the feature is implemented on the application.
| |
HasFeature(String, String) |
Returns true if the feature is implemented on the application and the requested property is used.
| |
HasPermission |
Returns true if the specified object "has" the specified ObjectPermissions. If the object has no assigned permisions,
the return value is true.
| |
HasPolicy(String) | Obsolete.
Returns true if the current user has not been explicitly denied the policy.
NOTE: This method is deprecated. Use HasPolicy(String, Boolean) instead for improved security. | |
HasPolicy(String, Boolean) |
Returns true if the current user has been granted the policy.
| |
Hibernate |
Command the AppContext object to hibernate until next round trip.
Hibernated applications's are awoken via WakeUp.
| |
Init |
Initialize the AppContext object.
| |
Init(AppContextInitOptions) |
Initialize the AppContext object based on the provieded AppContextInitOptions.
| |
Load |
Load the AppContext object from the database.
| |
LoadComponent |
Finds the specified component in the application's Components collection, loads
it, verfies that it implements the requested interface (if specified), and returns the object.
Normally an appropriate AssemblyLoadFail exception will be thrown if the component could not be found, loaded
or requested interface obtained for any reason. However, if OkIfNotFound is set
a failure will suppress any such error and result in null being returned.
| |
LogPerformance |
Log the performance metric of an object using a diagnostic service
| |
Navigate(String) |
Causes a Redirect to the specified page.
| |
Navigate(String, String) |
Causes a Redirect to the specified page.
| |
Navigate(String, String, String) |
Causes a Redirect to the specified page.
| |
Navigate(String, String, String, String) |
Causes a Redirect to the specified page.
| |
Navigate(String, String, String, String, NavigateAttrs, String) |
Causes a Redirect to the specified page.
| |
OpenRepository |
Open the repository IDatabase.
| |
Permissions |
Returns a bitmask of the object's ObjectPermissions. If the object has no assigned permissions,
the return value is 0xffffffff (All permission bits are set)
| |
RegisterDebugInfo(Page, String, String) |
Register a dbginfo item on the page.
These items will be emitted into the page HTML for debugging
purposes and may be viewed by hitting F8 on the page.
| |
RegisterDebugInfo(Page, String, String, String) |
Register a dbginfo item on the page (with category information).
These items will be emitted into the page HTML for debugging
purposes and may be viewed by hitting F8 on the page.
| |
RegisterDebugInfo(Page, String, String, String, LogMessageLevel) |
Register a dbginfo item on the page (with caetgory and severity level).
These items will be emitted into the page HTML for debugging
purposes and may be viewed by hitting F8 on the page.
| |
RegisterDebugInfo(Page, String, String, String, String) |
Register a dbginfo item on the page (with category and sublist information).
These items will be emitted into the page HTML for debugging
purposes and may be viewed by hitting F8 on the page.
| |
RegisterDebugInfo(Page, String, String, String, String, LogMessageLevel) |
Register a dbginfo item on the page (with full information).
These items will be emitted into the page HTML for debugging
purposes and may be viewed by hitting F8 on the page.
| |
RegisterEmbeddedFunction(String, String) |
Registers an embedded function for use in SQL statments. The function name should not include
the leading lowercase 'fn' associated with embedded functions.
See EmbeddedParser for more information on embedded functions. | |
RegisterEmbeddedFunction(String, String, String) |
Registers an embedded function for use in SQL statments. The function name should not include
the leading lowercase 'fn' associated with embedded functions.
See EmbeddedParser for more information on embedded functions. Embedded functions are automatically resolved for both DefaultValues on Field objects and Filters on Mapper objects. Normally, you register an extension to run at startup and register custom functions in the ExtensionEvents.ApplicationAfterLoad event. | |
ResolveEmbeddedFunctions |
Resolve an expression string for embedded functions.
See EmbeddedParser for more information on embedded functions.
| |
Send(MailMessage) |
Sends an email message using the contents of the message object.
| |
Send(MailMessage, String) |
Sends an email message using the contents of the message object and the specified email service.
| |
SetUserTimeZone |
Sets the user's timezone.
| |
UrlRead |
Reads a URL from the database xot_url table. URL's are generally stored in this manner for one of two purposes:
1) For permanent use as a saved reference of some type, and
2) As a temporary URL whose reference is passed as a query parameter (for security and to reduce query parameter size).
Use UrlSave(String, UrlLinkType, NullableDateTime) to save URL's.
| |
UrlSave |
Stores a URL in the database xot_url table. URL's are generally stored in this manner for one of two purposes:
1) For permanent use as a saved reference of some type, and
2) As a temporary URL whose reference is passed as a query parameter (for security and to reduce query parameter size).
Use UrlRead(String) to retrieve saved URL's.
| |
UsesImplicitVocab |
Returns true if the locationAttrs supports implicit vocab.
| |
ValidateCSRFToken |
Validates the specified token against the CSRFToken.
Note that if the ThrowStandardError option is specified then
this method will throw the standard invalid CSRF token exception and will not return.
| |
WakeUp |
Command the AppContext object to wake up the database connections.
Applications are hibernated via Hibernate.
| |
WakeUp(WakeUpFlags) |
Command the AppContext object to wake up the database connections.
Applications are hibernated via Hibernate.
Name | Description | |
BootstrapVersion |
Returns the current Bootstrap version.
For example, if the current version is 3.3.6
then this method returns 336. If it was version
4.1.3 then this method returns 413.
(Defined by AppContextExtensions.) | |
LogException |
Logs an error and writes it to the request log
(Defined by ApplicationExtensionMethods.) | |
LogNextMapperSource |
Extension method to IAppContext object to set a one-time-use logSource to be used on the next IMapper Init().
(Defined by AppContextExtensions.) | |
UIStyle |
Gets the AppUIStyle application UI style.
(Defined by AppContextExtensions.) | |
UseBootstrap |
Determines of this is a Bootstrap-based application.
Note that currently this determination is based on whether or not bootstrap.master is set as the MasterPageFile.
(Defined by AppContextExtensions.) | |
UserAuthenticationView |
Gets the AuthenticationView for the application
which is the view to use for the DatabaseAuthenticationProvider during authentication. By default this is 'users'.
(Defined by ApplicationExtensionMethods.) |
The Application object handles connecting to the authentication provider, authenticating the user, checking object permissions for that user, storing user (UserContext) information, holding the list of available PageInfo objects, and connecting to the metadata (Repository) data source. It also has a collection of DataSources specified in metadata.
Application Load
An application is loaded in the following sequence: