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IMapperExtensions Property

Gets the collection of IExtension mapper extension objects for the mapper. Extensions provide both additional standard and custom functionality. Mapper extensions are the primary means by which custom functionality is added to the application.

Generally extensions used across multiple mappers derive from the MapperExtensionKernel class whereas those that are intended for use on a single mapper derive from an application-specific generated class derived from the TypedMapperExtension template class. Extensions derived from TypedMapperExtension can only be used on the intended mapper, but provide a type-safe, easier to use implementation. These are the most common type of extension in most applications. The more primitive, but flexible MapperExtensionKernel-derived extension are typically used for non-mapper specific functionality such as in the ReadableAudit extension. Virtually all platform-provided extensions are of this type.

Namespace:  NetQuarry.Data
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
Extensions Extensions { get; }

Property Value

Type: Extensions
See Also