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ImgFlags Enumeration

Option flags provided to TagImg(String, String, String, String, ImgFlags) to specifiy how the HTML IMG tag (generally as used as a button) is rendered.

Namespace:  NetQuarry
Assembly:  EAP.WebMappers (in EAP.WebMappers.dll) Version: (
public enum ImgFlags
  Member nameValueDescription
FltOnNoHover1Apply the filter (e.g. Grey or Xray) when user is not hovering over image.
FltOnHover2Apply the filter (e.g. Grey or Xray) when user not hovering over image.
FltAlways4Always apply the filter (e.g. Grey or Xray).
FltGray256Use the gray filter.
FltGrey256Use the gray filter (same as FltGray).
FltXray512Use the xray filter.
FltLiveLook1024Make this icon look live.
FltGreyOnNoHover257Apply the gray when user is not hovering over image. This has the effect of livening the image when the user hovers.
FltXrayOnNoHover513Apply the xray when user is not hovering over image. This has the effect of livening the image when the user hovers.
Disabled65536Disable this image.
HideIfMissing131072Hide element if the image is not loaded successfully.
VertCenter262144Center the image vertically.
TooltipHelp1048576This item's tooltip provides general help and should be made more prominent to the user.
NoAnchorWrap2097152To give button a "live" look on hover, it is necessary to wrap then in an anchor tag in IE. Prevent the wrap if caller performs the wrap.
Invisible4194304Set up the image as initially invisible (display=none).
MinStyles8388608Set up the image with the minimum style settings possible.
See Also