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PasswordRuleValidationOpts Enumeration

Options for use in validating a password using the ValidatePasswordRules command to apply a custom PasswordRuleRegEx or the default rule is no custom rule is specified.

Namespace:  NetQuarry
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum PasswordRuleValidationOpts
  Member nameValueDescription
AllowNullPassword1 Unless this option is specified, a null/empty password will fail validation.
DoNotThrow2 The default behaviour of the ValidatePasswordRules command is to throw an exception if validation fails. Specify this option to have the command return any error message string instead.
IsPasswordChange4 This validation is in response to a user changing their existing password (vs. a new user specifing a password for the first time). Specifying this option may affect the validation error message (NetQuarry.Globalization.IDS.ChangePassword.RuleMsg and IDS_CHGPWD_RULE_MSG).
See Also