Commands that can be issued to extensions in a
ExtensionCommandArgs object using the
ExtensionCommand event.
Note that at this time these commands are intended for internal use and no provision is made in the standard
extension bases classes for handling them easily.
However, these commands may be issued easily enoungh. For example,
mapper.Extensions.FireEvent(ExtensionEvents.ExtensionCommand, map, new ExtensionCommandArgs(ExtensionCmd.DoNotLogRowCurrent));
which would command all extensions on the mapper to NOT log their RowCurrent events to the DevLog.
EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
Syntax Public Enumeration ExtensionCmd
| Member name | Value | Description |
| DoNotLogRowCurrent | 1 |
The mapper should not log its RowCurrent event to the DevLog. This can be helpful
in improving performance and reducing log size when it is known that a large number of records is going to be
processed, for example when exporting data to Excel.
See Also