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IFileConverter Interface

This is the interface used by the PDFConverter service. It is used to convert files from one type to another. One of the most common uses is to convert HTML text to a PDF file. You can use the IPDFDocument for Template to PDF conversion.

Namespace:  NetQuarry
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public interface IFileConverter

The IFileConverter type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCreationTime
The time the file was created
Public propertyHeight
Gets/sets the height of the document in pixels.
Public propertyWidth
Gets/sets the width of the document in pixels.
Public methodConvert(Stream, Encoding, ConversionOutputType, DocumentOptions)
Convert stream input to output type returning an array of bytes.
Public methodConvert(String, ConversionSourceType, ConversionOutputType, DocumentOptions)
Convert string input to output type returning an array of bytes.
Public methodConvert(Stream, Stream, Encoding, ConversionOutputType, DocumentOptions)
Convert stream input to output type writing to the output stream.
Public methodConvert(Stream, Encoding, String, ConversionOutputType, DocumentOptions)
Convert stream input to output type and write to disk.
Public methodConvert(String, Stream, ConversionSourceType, ConversionOutputType, DocumentOptions)
Convert string input to output type writing to output stream
Public methodConvert(String, String, ConversionSourceType, ConversionOutputType, DocumentOptions)
Convert string input to output type and write to disk.
Public methodScriptsEnabled
Enables Javascript utilization during conversion on/off
When converting from HTML to PDF, you can force page breaks into the document by adding CSS page-break-before and page-break-after properties. For example, you can add a span like this to force a page break in a particular location: <div style="page-break-before: always"></div>.
See Also