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LogCategory Enumeration

Describes the category of the message.

Namespace:  NetQuarry
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum LogCategory
  Member nameValueDescription
Client2Log originated in client-side script.
Web4Web-specific messages
Performance8Performance messages
Security16Security-related messages
UI32User Interface problem/limitation messages
Platform64 Platform-related activity.
Localization65536Localization messages
DBConnection131072DB connection messages
FunctionParsing1048576Function parsing messages
Timing2097152Performance timing info
VersionCompat4194304Version compatibility info
MetaData8388608Potential Meta-data problem
Scripting16777216Potential Scripting problem
File33554432File handling problem
Test67108864Testing messages
NotImplemented134217728Message regarding unimplemented or incomplete implementation.
Hack268435456Temporary hack that should be corrected.
EventLog536870912This message should be logged to the event log as well as the DevLog
WithStackTrace1073741824The devlog entry should include the current call stack. Note that this can have a noticeable performance hit so use with discretion.
See Also