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TagImportAttrs Enumeration

Attributes specifying how TagString imports are to be handled. Provide for future use.

Namespace:  NetQuarry
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum TagImportAttrs
  Member nameValueDescription
UnPairedIsName1 The tag string being imported may include name=value pairs without equals sign in which case the item should be used as the name with a null value.
UnPairedIsValue2 The tag string being imported may include name=value pairs without equals sign in which case the item will be added with an empty string as the name. This is the same behavior as a NameValueCollection based QueryString.
UrlDecode4 Values in the tag string being imported should be URL Unescaped
ClearDirty8 Clear each property's dirty bit after importing its value.
See Also