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EAPUtil Class

The most commonly used utility functions in the NetQuarry platform. Note that there are useful utilties methods spread around a number of different classes. In many cases the utilities are maintained in classes with specific, related functionality. However, mostly for historical reasons, some utility methods are in different classes for no logical reason!

See the following classes for more useful utilities:

  • EAPConvert - Utility methods for converting data.
  • EAPCtrlUtils - Utility methods for working with .Net controls.
  • EAPEncode - Utility methods for encoding data.
  • HttpUtility - Helper utility class for HTTP based code.
  • ImageUtils - Utility functions for manipulating images.
  • MailUtils - Various utility methods for working with email.
  • MapperUtils - Utility class providing helper methods for working with IMapper objects.
  • MathUtils - General-purpose math utilities.
  • StringUtils - General-purpose string utilities.
  • TagUtils - Utility code for generating HTML element strings.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  NetQuarry
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public static class EAPUtil

The EAPUtil type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberComponentVersion
This component's version Note that this is a scaled long made up of the Major, Minor, Build, Revision
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleAddStyles
Apply the specified CSS styles to the specified control.
Public methodStatic memberAnsiQuote(Object)
Quote an object variable for a SQL statement including escaping embedded ticks.
Public methodStatic memberAnsiQuote(String)
Quote a string for a SQL statement including escaping embedded ticks.
Public methodStatic memberBitsSet(Enum, Enum)
Determine if the specified set of bits are all set.
Public methodStatic memberBitsSet(Int32, Enum)
Determine if the specified set of bits are all set.
Public methodStatic memberBlobToBytes
Extract a BLOB value from the reader into a byte array.
Public methodStatic memberBlobToFile
Extract a BLOB value from the reader and write to a file.
Public methodStatic memberCalcLatLongDistance
Calculate the distance between two points on Earth expressed in lattitude and longitude.
Public methodStatic memberCalendarQuarter
Return then calendar quarter number to which the specified date belongs.
Public methodStatic memberCaptureStackFrames
Returns a string of the current stack frames. - Use with caution in production as it is an expensive proposition
Public methodStatic memberCleanFilename(String)
Clean the provided filename replacing any characters that are invalid in Windows filenames with underbars. Additional cleaning may be added in the future with the intent of guraranteeing that the returned filename is a valid Windows filename. Note that this method could reasonably be called SafeFilename().
Public methodStatic memberCleanFilename(BrowserInfo, String)
Clean the provided filename replacing any characters that are invalid in Windows filenames with underbars. Additional cleaning may be added in the future with the intent of guraranteeing that the returned filename is a valid browser download filename. Note that this method could reasonably be called SafeFilename().
Public methodStatic memberClearFarmCacheAsync
Allows asynchronous execution of a clear cache across farm servers
Public methodStatic memberComposeDateTime
Compose a new date/time object from the specified date and time.
Public methodStatic memberConstructExternalLink
Constructs a URL link from the collection of name value pairs specifically for external usage. The follwing URL link strings are automatically added to the URL &src=ext&appkey=[app.ID]
Public methodStatic memberConstructLink(IAppContext, NameValueCollection)
Constructs a URL link from the collection of name value pairs.
Public methodStatic memberConstructLink(IAppContext, NameValueCollection, ConstructLinkOptions)
Constructs a URL link from the collection of name value pairs.
Public methodStatic memberConstructLink(IAppContext, NameValueCollection, Boolean)
Constructs a URL link from the collection of name value pairs.
Public methodStatic memberContainsKey
Determine if a particular key has an entry in a NameValue collection.
Public methodStatic memberControlHtml
Get the raw HTML for a control.
Public methodStatic memberCreateMissingPath
Will create a full path, if not already present. The function will recursively create any and all sub folders.
Public methodStatic memberDataTableTypeToOleDbType
Translate a .Net DataTable DataColumn datatype to to its corresponding OleDbType.
Public methodStatic memberDateSQL(DateTime)
Format a date/time for use in a SQL statement. The string will be AnsiQuoted and so no additional quoting should be performed.
Public methodStatic memberDateSQL(NullableDateTime)
Format a nullable date/time for use in a SQL statement. If non-null the string will be AnsiQuoted and so no additional quoting should be performed.
Public methodStatic memberDefaultHtmlHeader
Get a default HTML header which includes EAPDefault css and EAPUtils js.
Public methodStatic memberDeserialize
Deserialize a string to a simple class. Note that only public fields and public read/write properties are handled.
Public methodStatic memberDevLogUnknownBits
Check the specified enumeration value against its enumeration in order to detect use of unknown bits. If unknown bits are detected devlog a warning.
Public methodStatic memberDiagnoseMultipleControlError
Recurses through the specified control's Controls collection looking for UniqueID collisions. Helpful in diagnosing "Multiple controls with the same ID 'xxx' were found. FindControl requires that controls have unique IDs." errors thrown by the .Net Control.FindControl() method.
Public methodStatic memberEqualValue
Determines if the object value is equal to another object. If the two objects are null, then this returns true. There is special handling for guid comparisons (since a guid could be a string formatted in up to 3 different ways). If the special guid handling is not performed, then the object.Equals method is used.
Public methodStatic memberEscapeEmbeddedFunctions
Escape any embedded functions in the specified string (presumably a filter).
Public methodStatic memberEscapeExpressionBrackets
Public methodStatic memberEscapeSQLName
Escape a column or table/view name for use in a SQL statement in the specified DBMS.
Public methodStatic memberExtractNestedMessage
Extracts the inner exception message from the supplied Exception object.
Public methodStatic memberFileExists
Gets a value indicating whether a file exists.
Public methodStatic memberFileIsReadonly
Determines whether the specified file exists and is read-only.
Public methodStatic memberFileMakeWriteable
Clears the read-only setting on the specified file, if it is marked read-only. The file MUST exist. If the file is not marked read-only then no action is performed.
Public methodStatic memberFileVersion
Obtains the file version for the specified file, if found.
Public methodStatic memberFindChildControl
Search the provided control for an immediate child control with the specified ID.
Public methodStatic memberFixupHoverButton
The CSS :hover pseudo-style is only supported on IE6 for anchor tags. A workaround to this is to wrap other tags in an anchor tag putting the :hover style on both the item and its anchor wrapper. This isn't required on other browsers, but doesn't cause any problem either.
Public methodStatic memberFormatException(Exception, FormatExceptionOptions)
Returns a formatted string from an exception based on the provided FormatExceptionOptions.
Public methodStatic memberFormatException(Exception, Boolean)
Returns a formatted string from an exception.
Public methodStatic memberFormatException(IAppContext, Exception)
Returns a formatted string from an exception using developer logging when appropriate and honoring the UserErrorMessages application property.
Public methodStatic memberFormatException(Exception, Boolean, Boolean)
Returns a formatted string from an exception.
Public methodStatic memberFormatException(Exception, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
Returns a formatted string from an exception.
Public methodStatic memberFormatException(Exception, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
Returns a formatted string from an exception.
Public methodStatic memberFormatExceptionForRequestLog
Returns a formatted string from an exception where that string is intended for logging to the xot_request_log and is appropriate for developers.
Public methodStatic memberFromHex
Converts a hex formatted string into an array of bytes.
Public methodStatic memberFtpDeleteFile(String, String, String)
Delete File from given FTP Server
Public methodStatic memberFtpDeleteFile(String, String, String, Boolean)
Delete File from given FTP Server
Public methodStatic memberFtpGetFileContents(String, String, String)
Retrieve information about file located on FTP Server
Public methodStatic memberFtpGetFileContents(String, String, String, Boolean)
Retrieve information about file located on FTP Server
Public methodStatic memberFtpGetFileList(String, String, String)
Get List of files from given FTP Server
Public methodStatic memberFtpGetFileList(String, String, String, Boolean)
Get List of files from given FTP Server
Public methodStatic memberFtpUpload(String, String, String, String)
Upload File using FTP Protocol to given FTP Server
Public methodStatic memberFtpUpload(String, String, String, String, Boolean)
Upload File using FTP Protocol to given FTP Server
Public methodStatic memberFtpUpload(String, String, String, String, Byte)
Upload File using FTP Protocol to given FTP Server
Public methodStatic memberFtpUpload(String, String, String, String, Byte, Boolean)
Upload File using FTP Protocol to given FTP Server
Public methodStatic memberGetByteBufferFromFile
Reads the contents of a file into a byte array. Use GetByteBufferFromLogicalFile(IAppContext, String) if you have a logical path.
Public methodStatic memberGetByteBufferFromLogicalFile
Reads the contents of a file into a byte array. Use GetByteBufferFromFile(IAppContext, String) if you have a physical path.
Public methodStatic memberGetDataRowValue
Returns the value of a column from the datarow
Public methodStatic memberGetEventsHandled
Use reflection to determine which events are handled by the final derived type in the provided object.
Public methodStatic memberGetImageFromFile
Public methodStatic memberGetLogDB
Get the database to which to log requests (to the xot_request_log table. The database returned will be based on the following precedence:
  1. The database specified by the PageActivityDatasource application property, if any,
  2. The darabase specified by the db parameter (normally omitted), if any,
  3. The DataDB database.
Note that unless the database is obtained from PageActivityDatasource it cannot have NoPlatformOpSchema set.
Public methodStatic memberGetNextBusinessDay
Returns the next business day.
Public methodStatic memberGetPageForm
Gets the Form object on which the specified control resides. .Net Controls need to be added to the form.
Public methodStatic memberGetTypeFromString
Returns a System.Type from the named type.
Public methodStatic memberHasExactlyOneBitSet
Tests whether or not the specified value has more than one bit set. This is typically used when examining enumeration values from an enumeration marked with the FlagsAttribute. For a non-zero value, this is the inverse of IsBitMask(Int32).
Public methodStatic memberHasRows
Determines if a DataReader has any rows. The purpose of this method is to virtualize the particular provider. At this time the OleDB and SqlClient providers are supported.
Public methodStatic memberHelpString
Get the HelpString attribute for an enum item.
Public methodStatic memberHtmlEncode
Encode and HTML string. Safe to call in web and client-server.
Public methodStatic memberImageSize(String)
Gets the image size of the specified image file specified by virtual path.
Public methodStatic memberImageSize(String, Boolean)
Gets the image size of the specified image file specified by virtual path.
Public methodStatic memberInputStreamToBase64
Reads a stream and converts it to a base-64 string.
Public methodStatic memberIsBitMask
Tests whether or not the specified value represents a bit-mask. This is typically used when examining enumeration values from an enumeration marked with the FlagsAttribute. The value is considered a bit-mask if it has more than 1 bit set. So, for example, 0x000000ff would be a bit-mask, but 0x0000040 would not. For a non-zero value, this is the inverse of HasExactlyOneBitSet(Int32).
Public methodStatic memberIsClientScriptBlockRegistered
Determines whether or not the specified client script block has already been registered on the page using either RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, String, String) or RegisterClientScriptFile(Page, String, String). See RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, String, String) for additional documentation on registering client script blocks.
Public methodStatic memberIsEditorBrowsable
Returns false if the enum has the EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never) set, otherwise true
Public methodStatic memberIsFileValidateAcceptType
Validates that a posted back file conforms to the specified ACCEPT types per the HTML INPUT FILE element's ACCEPT attribute. See for more information on accept.
Public methodStatic memberIsFolder
Determines if the specified path points to a folder. Note that the path must exist. You can use FileExists(String) to determine if the file or folder exists.
Public methodStatic memberIsGuid
Determines if a string represents a guid. A string is a guid if it matches one of three Regex Expressions for standard guid formatting: A 32 character string a-f0-9, A 36 character string a-f0-9 with formatting dashes, A 38 character string a-f0-9 with formatting dashes enclosed in curly braces.
Public methodStatic memberIsNonEmptyString
Determines if the specified object is a non-empty string.
Public methodStatic memberIsNullObjectOrEmptyString
Determine if an object is null or a blank string. A DBNull object is considered null. Note that this function is identical to IsNullOrBlank(Object).
Public methodStatic memberIsNullOrBlank(Object)
Determines if an object is null or a blank (empty) string. A DBNull object is considered null. Note that this function is identical to IsNullObjectOrEmptyString(Object).
Public methodStatic memberIsNullOrBlank(String)
Determines if a string is null or blank (empty).
Public methodStatic memberIsNumeric
Determines if the string expression is a numeric type.
Public methodStatic memberIsReservedDBWord
Returns true if the word is a reserved SQL word.
Public methodStatic memberIsStartupScriptRegistered
Determines whether or not the specified client startup script has already been registered via RegisterStartupScript(Page, String, String).
Public methodStatic memberIsTruthy
Determines whether a string value is "truthy". Truthy is defined as any string that is not null or empty and not "0" when trimmed. Note that this is slightly different from the javascript definition of a truthy string where '0' would be considered truthy. This difference is intended to allow for easy testing of a string that alter will be converted to a numeric value where zero would not be considered truthy.
Public methodStatic memberIsUIHidden
Determine if the specified enumeration item has its UIHidden attribute set.
Public methodStatic memberIsVersionConstrained(IAppContext, Object, EAPVersionsBaseVersions, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Determines whether an object type that supports versioning is versioned out. This method is really intended for internal use only.
Public methodStatic memberIsVersionConstrained(IAppContext, Object, EAPVersionsBaseVersions, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Determines whether an object type that supports versioning is versioned out. This method is really intended for internal use only.
Public methodStatic memberJString
Convert a string to a quoted java string including escaping embedded ticks and certain other characters.
Public methodStatic memberLoadComponent(String, String, String)
Load a component DLL into the current AppDomain.
Public methodStatic memberLoadComponent(String, String, String, AppDomain)
Load a component DLL into the specified AppDomain.
Public methodStatic memberLoadComponent(String, String, String, String)
Load a component DLL into the current AppDomain.
Public methodStatic memberLoadComponent(String, String, String, AppDomain, Boolean)
Load a component DLL into the specified AppDomain.
Public methodStatic memberLoadComponent(String, String, String, String, AppDomain, Boolean)
Load a component DLL into the specified AppDomain.
Public methodStatic memberLogApiRequest(IAppContext, String, String, String, String, String, Int32, Object, Double, String)
Logs an API request to the xot_api_request_log table.
Public methodStatic memberLogApiRequest(IAppContext, String, String, String, String, String, Int32, String, String, String, String, Object, Double)
Logs an API request
Public methodStatic memberMD5
Encode a string into its MD5 representation in the form of a hex string.
Public methodStatic memberMergeStrings
Merge two (possibly empty) strings using the specified delimiter;
Public methodStatic memberNewGuid
Generate a new GUID string formatted without hyphens.
Public methodStatic memberNewGuid(String)
Generate a new GUID string formatted without hyphens.
Public methodStatic memberObjCompare
Compare two objects.
Public methodStatic memberPathExists
Determine if the specified path exists. If the path includes a filename, the filename portion is ignored and only the path is checked.
Public methodStatic memberPathSplit(String, String, String)
Split a path into its path and filename parts.
Public methodStatic memberPathSplit(String, String, String, Boolean)
Split a path into its path and filename parts.
Public methodStatic memberPhysicalPathToRelativePath
Map a physical path to a root-relative path.
Public methodStatic memberReaderBlobToFile
Extract a binary column, using any data reader, to a file. Note that for historical purposes SqlBlobToFile(SqlDataReader, Int32, String, Int32) is used for SQL-Server databases, but there is little, if any, difference between that method and this except that SqlBlobToFile(SqlDataReader, Int32, String, Int32) takes a SqlDataReader parameter.
Public methodStatic memberReadInputStream
Reads a stream and returns it as a byte array of its binary content.
Public methodStatic memberReadTextFile
Read a text file into a string. Note that this method catches any error and logs it. No error will be thrown if there is a problem reading the file.
Public methodStatic memberRedirectUrl(String)
Performs a redirect to the specified page.
Public methodStatic memberRedirectUrl(String, Boolean)
Performs a redirect to the specified page.
Public methodStatic memberRegisterClientHtmlBlock
Register an HTML block (not script) with the page. Use RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, String, String), RegisterClientScriptFile(Page, String, String), and RegisterStartupScript(Page, String, String) to register javascript on the page.
Public methodStatic memberRegisterClientScriptBlock
Register a script block (assumed to be javascript) with the page. This method is normally used to register javascript function definitions, but not code to be executed immediately, as this code will be injected early in the page's HTML and generally will be executed by the browser's javascript engine before the page has finished loading. Script that should be executed once the page finishes loading and the DOM has been rendered should be registered using RegisterStartupScript(Page, String, String). For registering HTML, use RegisterClientHtmlBlock(Page, String, String). You can register script residing in a disk file using RegisterClientScriptFile(Page, String, String). Use IsClientScriptBlockRegistered(Page, String) to determine if the block is aready registered.
Public methodStatic memberRegisterClientScriptFile
Register an HTML script tag to include a javascript file. Use RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, String, String) to register a script from a string and for additional documentation on registering client script blocks.
Public methodStatic memberRegisterDocReadyScript
Register jQuery startup javascript with the page. Uses RegisterStartupScript(Page, String, String) to register a jQuery $(document).ready() call for the specified script. The script will be wrapped in an anonymous function call. Use IsStartupScriptRegistered(Page, String) to determine if the block is aready registered.
Public methodStatic memberRegisterHiddenField(Page, String, String)
Create a hidden control on the page. This method should be used instead of the .Net Page.RegisterHiddenField() method if the value will need to be accessed on the client because the .Net method (as of v1.1) does not set an id attribute on the field. That's OK w/ Internet Explorer, but makes the field unavailable to javascript in Firefox.
Public methodStatic memberRegisterHiddenField(WebControl, String, String)
Create a hidden control nested inside the specified control. This method should be used instead of the .Net Page.RegisterHiddenField() method if the value will need to be accessed on the client because the .Net method (as of v1.1) does not set an id attribute on the field. That's OK w/ Internet Explorer, but makes the field unavailable to javascript in Firefox.
Public methodStatic memberRegisterStartupScript
Register startup script (assumed to be javascript) with the page. Use RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, String, String) or RegisterClientScriptFile(Page, String, String) to register blocks of script defining functions and other code that does not require immediate execution. Use IsStartupScriptRegistered(Page, String) to determine if the block is aready registered.
Public methodStatic memberRemoveInvalidChars
Removes invalid characters from a string that represents a path or file name
Public methodStatic memberReplaceCaseInsensitive(String, String, String)
A fast, case-insensitive string replacement function.
Public methodStatic memberReplaceCaseInsensitive(String, String, String, ReplaceOptions)
A fast, case-insensitive string replacement function.
Public methodStatic memberResizeImage
Resizes an image
Public methodStatic memberResolvePath
Resolve a virtual path, possibly starting with "~", to a standard virtual path without "~".
Public methodStatic memberRetrieveLinkerTimestamp
Retrieves the linker timestamp for the specified file.
Public methodStatic memberSafeSQLName
Escapes the object name with square brackets [] if the word is reserved or contains a reserved character.
Public methodStatic memberSavePostedFile(IAppContext, HttpPostedFile, String, String, Boolean, Int32)
Save the provided posted file as specified. This method is used in response to the user posting a HtmlInputFile control. Note that this method validates maxSizeKB and will an error if validation fails.
Public methodStatic memberSavePostedFile(IAppContext, HttpPostedFile, String, String, Boolean, Int32, String)
Save the provided posted file as specified. This method is used in response to the user posting a HtmlInputFile control. Note that this method validates maxSizeKB and accept and will throw an error if validation fails.
Public methodStatic memberSerialize
Serialize a simple class to a string. Note that only public fields and public read/write properties are handled.
Public methodStatic memberSetInitialFocus
Set initial focus on the page to the specified control.
Public methodStatic memberSetNewActionOnQS
Set, or if already present, replace, the URL's "act" (action) parameter. The "act" parameter is used primarily in troubleshooting to determine the origin and intention of a request.
Public methodStatic memberSpanIncluding
Extracts the span of characters at the beginning of the specified string that are in the set of specified characters. The behaviour is the sames as the C++ CString::SpanIncluding() method.
Public methodStatic memberSqlBlobToFile
Extract a binary column from a SQL-Server data reader to a file. See ReaderBlobToFile(IDataReader, Int32, String, Int32) for a general purpose blob-to-file implementation.
Public methodStatic memberSqlDbTypeToOleDbType
Translate a SqlDbType to its corresponding OleDbType.
Public methodStatic memberSqlExceptionInternals
Extract additional information, if available, from a SqlException and return in a string. The result is intended to be made available to developers, but probably not end users.
Public methodStatic memberSqlNativeTypeToOleDbType
Translate a SQL-Server native type (string) to its corresponding OleDbType.
Public methodStatic memberSQLString(Enum)
Generate a SQL string for an enumeration item by converting the enum item to its corresponding integer value and then representing that integer as a string.
Public methodStatic memberSQLString(String)
Prepare a string for use in a SQL statement. If the string is null or empty then an unquoted "NULL" is returned, else an AnsiQuoted string is returned.
Public methodStatic memberSQLString(Object, OleDbType, DBMSType)
Generate a SQL representation of the value for the specified DataType and DBMS.
Public methodStatic memberSQLString(Object, OleDbType, DBMSType, SQLColumnFlags)
Generate a SQL representation of the value for the specified DataType and DBMS.
Public methodStatic memberStripHTML
Strip all HTML tags from an HTML string.
Public methodStatic memberTextToHtml
Escape a string for use in the template.
Public methodStatic memberToDecimal(Object)
Convert an object to a decimal value handling the case when the object is DBNull. When the object is null, the return value will default to zero.
Public methodStatic memberToDecimal(Object, Decimal)
Convert an object to a decimal value handling the case when the object is DBNull. When the object is null, the return value is the value of the defaultValue parameter.
Public methodStatic memberToDouble(Object)
Convert an object to a double value handling the case when the object is DBNull. When the object is null, the return value is the value of the defaultValue parameter. Note that currently an unparseable value (e.g. "3.5abc") will cause an exception to be thrown. Use ToDoubleSafe(Object, Double) to guarantee no exception is thrown.
Public methodStatic memberToDouble(Object, Double)
Convert an object to a double value handling the case when the object is DBNull. When the object is null, the return value is the value of the defaultValue parameter. Note that currently an unparseable value (e.g. "3.5abc") will cause an exception to be thrown. Use ToDoubleSafe(Object, Double) to guarantee no exception is thrown.
Public methodStatic memberToDoubleSafe
Convert an object to a double value handling the case when the object is null or DBNull. When the object is null or cannot be converted successfully, the return value is the value of the defaultValue parameter. This method will never throw an exception. Use ToDouble(Object, Double) if an exception is desired for invalid (non-null) values.
Public methodStatic memberToHex
Converts a byte array into a hex string.
Public methodStatic memberToInt(Object)
Convert an object to an int handling the case when the object is DBNull. When the object is null, the return value is 0.
Public methodStatic memberToInt(Object, Int32)
Convert an object to an int handling the case when the object is DBNull. When the object is null, the return value is the value of the defaultValue parameter.
Public methodStatic memberToString(Object)
Safely converts an object to a string. If the object is null the return value is an empty string
Public methodStatic memberToString(Object, String)
Safely converts an object to a string. If the object is null or empty then the defaultValue is returned. Note, however, that if both the converted object and defaultValue are null an empty string is returned. A null value is never returned.
Public methodStatic memberToStringRaw
Safely converts an object to a string with special case handling for data types that typically result in undesirable string values when converted using the default .Net conversions. At this time the following special conversions are performed:
  • bool - Converts to "1" or "0".
  • Enum - Converts to its corresponding integer string, e.g. "1", "2", or "3".
If the object is null then return value is an empty string.
Public methodStatic memberTypeIsBinary
Is the specified type a binary data type?
Public methodStatic memberTypeIsBoolean
Is the specified type a boolean data type?
Public methodStatic memberTypeIsChar
Is the specified type a character/string data type?
Public methodStatic memberTypeIsDate
Is the specified type a date and/or time data type?
Public methodStatic memberTypeIsFloat
Is the specified type a floating point data type?
Public methodStatic memberTypeIsInteger
Is the specified type an integer data type?
Public methodStatic memberTypeIsLong
Is the specified type a "long" (large) data type?
Public methodStatic memberTypeIsLongChar
Is the specified type a "long" (large) character data type?
Public methodStatic memberTypeIsNumeric
Is the specified type a numeric data type?
Public methodStatic memberTypeIsUnicode
Is the specified type a Unicode (W -- wide) character data type?
Public methodStatic memberTypeRequiresUnicodeEscape
Determines if the specified data type requires a Unicode escape character ('N' for SQL-Server).
Public methodStatic memberValidBits
Gets the declared ValidBits for the specified enumeration.
Public methodStatic memberWeekNumber
Determine the ISO 8601 week number for a particular date.
Public methodStatic memberWindowOpenFeatures(WindowOpenOptions, Int32, Int32)
Generates the "features" string for a javascript call. The resulting string is enquoted and ready for use. Note that use of the WindowOpenFeatures(IAppContext, WindowOpenOptions, Int32, Int32) overload is preferred because it enforces certain application-wide features, in particular ForcePopupScrollbars which forces scrollbars on popup windows.
Public methodStatic memberWindowOpenFeatures(IAppContext, WindowOpenOptions, Int32, Int32)
Generates the "features" string for a javascript call. The resulting string is enquoted and ready for use. Note that this overload taking the cxt parameter enforces certain application-wide features, in particular ForcePopupScrollbars which forces scrollbars on popup windows.
Public methodStatic memberWriteBlobToDatabase
Update a column in a single record in the database with binary data.
Public methodStatic memberWriteExceptionToRequestLog
Writes exception information to request log. Normally exceptions are automatically written to the request log in the normal course of events. However, in the case where an exception is suppressed that exception will not be automatically written to the request log and this method may be called. Exceptions logged to the request log will be picked up by the RequestLogMonitor.
Public methodStatic memberWriteFileToDatabase
Reads the contents of the specified file into a byte array and writes the array to the specified BLOB field in the database in the specified record.
Public methodStatic memberWriteInputStreamToDatabase
Reads a stream and stores the results in a database BLOB column.
Public methodStatic memberWriteToRequestLog(IAppContext, IDatabase, String, String, Double)
Writes pertinent information to request log. This method is the more generic version where we're just interested in logging some error information.
Public methodStatic memberWriteToRequestLog(IAppContext, IDatabase, String, String, String, String, Double, String)
Writes an entry to the xot_request_log. The database to which the entry is written is controlled by either an application property "PageActivityDatasource", or is written to the database object passed in the argument list (if not null) or the data database of the application object if the database argument is null.
Public methodStatic memberWriteToRequestLog(IAppContext, IDatabase, String, String, String, String, Double, String, String)
Writes an entry to the xot_request_log. The database to which the entry is written is controlled by either an application property "PageActivityDatasource", or is written to the database object passed in the argument list (if not null) or the data database of the application object if the database argument is null.
Public methodStatic memberWriteToRequestLog(IAppContext, IDatabase, String, String, String, String, Double, String, String, String)
Writes an entry to the xot_request_log. The database to which the entry is written is controlled by either an application property "PageActivityDatasource", or is written to the database object passed in the argument list (if not null) or the data database of the application object if the database argument is null.
Public methodStatic memberWriteToTimingLog
Log a timing entry to the xot_timing_log table.
Public methodStatic memberZipDistanceCalc
Calculate the distance between two zip codes.
Public methodStatic memberZipInfoLookup
Look up a ZIP code from the xot_zip_codes table.
Public fieldStatic memberDATETIME_1970_UTC
midnight, jan 1st, 1970, in UTC
See Also