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EAPEncode Class

Utility methods for encoding data.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  NetQuarry
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public static class EAPEncode

The EAPEncode type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberDecodeBase64
Decode the base 64 string to its original unencoded string.
Public methodStatic memberDecodeFromUrl
Decode a string obtained from a URL. Safe to call in web and client-server.
Public methodStatic memberDecodeUriComponent
Decode a URI component.
Public methodStatic memberDecodeUriXSSComponent
Decode a URI component that was encoded using EncodeUriXSSComponent(String).
Public methodStatic memberEncodeBase28
Encodes the specified integer as a base-28 string. The base-28 character set constists of the characters "23456789BCDFGHJKMNPQRSTVWXYZ" (in index order). The character excludes vowels to help avoid offensive words in the encoding, and omits the characters 0, 1, L, and I to avoid confusion between digits and look-alike alphabetic characters.
Public methodStatic memberEncodeBase64
Encode the specified string using a base 64 encoding.
Public methodStatic memberEncodeSpaces
If the string contains consecutive spaces, encode all spaces as 0x00A0, the Unicode non-breaking space. This is necessary where double spaces need to be maintained such as in SELECT OPTION elements used for filtering.
Public methodStatic memberEncodeUriComponent
Encode a URI component.
Public methodStatic memberEncodeUriXSSComponent
Encode a URI component such that it will never trigger IE8 XSS Filter neutering.
Public methodStatic memberForAttr
Escapes the provided string for use as the value of an attribute in an HTML tag.
Public methodStatic memberForHtml
Encode a string for use in HTML. Safe to call in web and client-server.
Public methodStatic memberForMailto
Encode a string for use in a mailto protocol. Safe to call in web and client-server.
Public methodStatic memberForUrl
Encode a string for use in a URL. Safe to call in web and client-server.
Public methodStatic memberForXml
Escapes the provided string for use in XML. The following characters are escaped: greater-than, less-than, double-quote, apostrophe, and ampersand.
Public methodStatic memberGZipCompress(Byte)
Compress a block of data using the .Net GZip implementation.
Public methodStatic memberGZipCompress(String)
Compresses a base-64 string and returns the compressed version.
Public methodStatic memberGZipDecompress(Byte)
Decompress a block of data using the .Net GZip implementation.
Public methodStatic memberGZipDecompress(String)
Decompress a base64 encoded string using the .Net GZip implementation.
Public methodStatic memberHtmlLineBreaks
Replace any C# line breaks with HTML line breaks.
Public methodStatic memberIsValidBase64
Determines whether the provided string a valid base64 string. Note that at this time a null/blank string is NOT considered valid.
Public methodStatic memberRemoveProtocol
Remove the protocol (e.g. http://) from a URL, if present.
Public methodStatic memberUrlPathEncode
Encode a file path for use in a url href. Ex: " " to "%20".
See Also