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FTPFileTransferAttributes Enumeration

Modified behavior of an FTP file transfer session

Namespace:  NetQuarry
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum FTPFileTransferAttributes
  Member nameValueDescription
NoCopyFileAttrs1Do not copy file attributes (dates and file attributes) from source location to destination location.
NoVerifyFileSize2Do not verify the source and destination files are the same size once transfer is complete.
AllowTransferResume4Allow the upload, or download transfer to be resumed at the place the previous transfer failed.
ThrowIfNoFilesFoundToTransfer8If no files are found to transfer matching the specified pattern, then raise an error. Otherwise just devlog.
ThrowIfFileTransferErrors16If there are one or more file transfer errors, then raise an exception. Otherwise just devlog.
ThrowAnyFileTransferErrors32If a file transfer error occurs, throw an exception immediately. Otherwise just devlog error and continue to transfer next matching file.
CreateRemoteDirectoryIfNotFound64If a remote directory does not exist, then attempt to create it. Otherwise throw.
See Also