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WizNavigations Enumeration

Wizard navigation destinations for use with Navigate(WizNavigations, Boolean, String) which is used to perform programmatic navigation from a wizard during a wizart event. The avaliable destinations include the wizard's FinishTarget, CancelTarget, as well as specific PageTargetTypes. Note that typically Navigate(WizNavigations, Boolean, String) is not used and the wizard is allowed to perform its normal cancel or finish navigation per its CancelTarget or FinishTarget, respectively.

Namespace:  NetQuarry
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum WizNavigations
  Member nameValueDescription
FinishTarget1 Navigate to the page the wizard would normally navigate to upon successful completion.
CancelTarget2 Navigate to the page the wizard would normally navigate to upon cancellation.
BlankPage3 Navigate to a blank page.
RepeatWizard4 Navigate to the first page of this wizard, with clean state.
RtnToCaller5 Navigate to the page from which the wizard was invoked. The caller is obtained from the parmop query parameter, if present, else from the OriginatingReferrer if known.
See Also