Click or drag to resize

BootModalOptions Enumeration

Options for use with the OpenBootModal(IAppContext, String, BootModalOptions) method.

Namespace:  NetQuarry
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum BootModalOptions
  Member nameValueDescription
BackdropNone1 The dialog should be rendered with NO backdrop. Corresponds to the "n" option when provided to the EAP.BootOpenModal() javascript function.
BackdropStatic2 The dialog should be rendered with a static backdrop (which doesn't close the dialog when clicked). Corresponds to the "s" option when provided to the EAP.BootOpenModal() javascript function.
BackdropDynamic4 The dialog should be rendered with a backdrop which closes the dialog when clicked (the Bootstrap default behaviour). Corresponds to the "d" option when provided to the EAP.BootOpenModal() javascript function.
Mobile16 The dialog should be rendered as appropriate for use on a mobile device. If not specified, mobile device auto-detect will be used. Corresponds to the "m" option when provided to the EAP.BootOpenModal() javascript function.
HorizontalMaximize32 The dialog should maximize its height when fitting to the window. Corresponds to the "h" option when provided to the EAP.BootOpenModal() javascript function.
CloseButton64 Add a close button (X) to the dialog. Corresponds to the "x" option when provided to the EAP.BootOpenModal() javascript function.
FitContent256 Fit the content of the dialog to the size of the modal dialog adding auto scrollbars. Corresponds to the "f" option when provided to the EAP.BootOpenModal() javascript function.
Large512 Present a large Bootstrap modal dialog. The size is controlled by the div.modal-dialog.modal-large CSS class. Corresponds to the "l" option when provided to the EAP.BootOpenModal() javascript function.
See Also