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FilterAttributes Enumeration

Attributes for SavedFilter objects.

Namespace:  NetQuarry
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum FilterAttributes
  Member nameValueDescription
Static1This view consists of a set of keys (vs. a query filter).
StaticFilter2This view consists of a SQL IN clause filter with a set of keys.
Temp16This view is temporary and can be deleted any time after its EndDate.
Hidden32 This view is not to be directly selectable in a UI. See UsageSpecific regarding filters that should be visible only in certain contexts.
Sorted64This view contains a sort clause.
UsageSpecific128 This filter is specific to the Usage. As such, the filter should generally not be visible in the UI except where that Usage applies. This provides a sort of limited Hidden capability where such filters are visible only in certain contexts.
Removeable256 This filter may be removed by the user. This attribute is intended for use with Registered filter navigation, see RegisterReqFilter(IAppContext, String, FilterAttributes, String, String, String, NullableDateTime, String).
KeyString4096The key for this item is a string (vs. numeric or guid).
KeyNumeric8192The key for this item is numeric (vs. string or guid).
KeyGuid16384The key for this item is a GUID (vs. string or numeric).
DeleteAfterUse1048576The consumer of the filter may delete the filter when finished with it.
NoModule2097152The filter does not specify a particular module/MOP.
Registered4194304The filter is generated as a registered filter.
FutureEval8388608 This filter is intended for future evaluation and has been rendered such that it may include embedded functions. Generally this is because evaluation is time-dependent. For example, "dt=Today" is rendered as "!fnTimePeriod(dt, ::Today::)".
SharedInTenant16777216This filter should be shared across all users for this tenant.
See Also