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BrowserLoggingAttrs Enumeration

Specifies behavior attributes for managing how browser history is logged.

Namespace:  NetQuarry
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum BrowserLoggingAttrs
  Member nameValueDescription
LogBrowserHistory1Log browser history to the xot_browser_history table.
UniqueBrowserPerIPAddress2Browser will be logged if the combination of browser (user agent) and IP address is unique for a user.
UniqueBrowserPerDay4Browser will be logged if the combination of browser (user agent) and logged date is unique for a user.
TrackUserToken8 Include the user token (eap_utkn) in the log entry and include the token in the uniqueness test. This will likely cause a moderate increase in the number of log entries, but allows the log entries to be correlated with xot_request_log entries.
See Also