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SchedulerNavigation Enumeration

Command from the RadScheduler renderer during navigation

Namespace:  NetQuarry
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum SchedulerNavigation
  Member nameValueDescription
SwitchToDayView0Commands the scheduler to present its single day view, standard hours SwitchFullTime.
SwitchToWeekView1Commands the scheduler to present its single week view.
SwitchToMonthView2Commands the scheduler to present its single month view.
SwitchToTimelineView3Commands the scheduler to present its timeline view.
SwitchToMultiDayView4Commands the scheduler to present its multi-day view.
NavigateToNextPeriod5Commands the scheduler to present the next period in its current view (e.g. day, week, month).
NavigateToPreviousPeriod6Commands the scheduler to present the previous period in its current view (e.g. day, week, month).
SwitchToSelectedDay7Commands the scheduler to present the selected day.
SwitchFullTime8Commands the scheduler to present its single day view, midnight to midnight SwitchToDayView.
DisplayNextAppointmentSegment9Commands the scheduler to present next day/week/month per the current view.
DisplayPreviousAppointmentSegment10Commands the scheduler to present previous day/week/month per the current view.
NavigateToSelectedDate11Commands the scheduler to present the selected date in its current view (e.g. day, week, month).
See Also