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InputTagTypes Enumeration

Override types for the TYPE attribute of HTML5 INPUT tags. These provides for enhanced features on supporting browsers degrading to basic textbox support on older browsers.

Namespace:  NetQuarry
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum InputTagTypes
  Member nameValueDescription
Text0This is the default TYPE value for INPUT tags, a simple textbox.
Email1An HTML5 text field for specifying an email address. Brings up a keyboard optimized for email address entry in supporting mobile devices.
Tel2An HTML5 text field for specifying a phone number. Brings up a phone pad keyboard in supporting mobile devices.
Url3An HTML5 text field for specifying a URL. Brings up a keyboard optimized for URL entry in supporting mobile devices.
Number4An HTML5 text field for specifying a number. Brings up a number pad keyboard in supporting mobile devices.
Search5An HTML5 text field used for searching. Depending on browser, control may be rendered rounded, and/or include a small 'x' clear button when non-empty.
See Also