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ConsolePaneAttrs Enumeration

Attributes specifying IConsolePane characteristics.

Namespace:  NetQuarry
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum ConsolePaneAttrs
  Member nameValueDescription
FixedAtTop1This pane should be positioned at the top of the console and fixed in place (not moveable by user).
FixedAtBottom2This pane should be positioned at the bottom of the console and fixed in place (not moveable by user).
NoExpandCollapse4Do not allow the user to expand or collapse this pane.
HideHeader8Hide the IConsolePaneHeader pane header.
FixedHeight16Fix the pane height (rather than sizing to content) using the MaxHeight setting.
DefaultHidePane256By default this pane should not be shown in the console, but allow user to add/remove it.
DefaultShowPane512By default this pane should be shown in the console, but allow user to add/remove it.
PaneNavigation1024This pane participates in the page's inter-pane navigation where only the one of such panes is shown at a time.
PaneDrilldown2048This pane drills down to the DetailPane in the current page.
EditModeOn4096This pane is always editable.
NoPaneHeaderCommands8192Suppress any MapperCommand placed on this pane with PaneHeader.
PaneLinkEdits16384Identifies the pane link as being a link to an edit page. Currently applies only when ShowPaneLink is specified.
AddPaneFitButton32768Add a button for fitting the pane to the screen. The main reason for this is to make any horizontal scrollbar more accessible on long lists.
IgnorePK65536This pane's mapper should not use the request's PK parameter to construct a filter. Typically applies to detail panes only.
IgnoreParent131072This pane's mapper should not use the request's FK parameter or other parent filtering to construct a filter. Typically applies to Main slot datasheet panes only.
AllowDelete262144This pane should allow the user to delete records. By default console panes do not allow deletion.
See Also