Click or drag to resize

WindowOpenOptions Enumeration

Option flags for use with WindowOpenFeatures().

Namespace:  NetQuarry
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum WindowOpenOptions
  Member nameValueDescription
CenterVertical1Vertically center the window on the screen.
CenterHorizontal2Horizontally center the window on the screen.
Center3Vertically and horizontally center the window on the screen.
MenuBar4Include the menubar on the window.
Resizable8Make the window resizable.
Scrollbars16Include scrollbars on the window.
Status32Include the status bar on the window.
Toolbar64Include the toolbar on the window.
Fullscreen128Full-screen mode (IE 4+ only).
Standard124Standard browser settings.
AtEventXY256Position the window at the X, Y coordinate of the current event.
AtRight512Position the window at the right side of the screen.
Location1024Whether to display the Address bar, which enables users to navigate the window to a new URL.
ForSizeToFit2048Causes initial window size to be small for improved size-to-content handling.
See Also