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PageElementPermissionsLevel Enumeration

Used by the PageElementPermissionsLevel property of the Compatibility feature to specify the ObjectPermissions available for use on a PageElementInfo object in an application. For historical reasons the default level is Read. In order to upgrade an existing application to use ReadWrite you should perform the following steps:
  1. Check in all meta-data changes as the conversion process may alter existing meta-data.
  2. Check out all meta-data in prepartion for the conversion.
  3. Run the nq_add_pei_permissions.sql script against the repository to perform the conversion.
  4. Check in altered .meta files.
  5. Set the PageElementPermissionsLevel property of the Compatibility feature and check in the modified .meta file.
If the conversion process is not performed then page elements that have been explicitly permissioned will lose the Insert/Write/Delete permissions.

Namespace:  NetQuarry
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum PageElementPermissionsLevel
  Member nameValueDescription
Read0 The application supports only the Read permission on page elements. When that permission is granted to a page element then all permissions are granted (including Insert/Write/Delete). With this permission level you cannot use page element permissions to configure a page element as read-only. This is the historical and default permission level.
ReadWrite1 The application supports the Read/Insert/Write/Delete permissions on page elements. All other permissions, except those, are implement when Read is granted. If the application was started with the Read level in place, you should run the nq_add_pei_permissions.sql script against the repository and check in meta-data modified by the script before switching to this level.
See Also