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WizQuestionnaireAttrs Enumeration

Options controlling how a WizQuestionnaire page behaves.

Namespace:  NetQuarry
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum WizQuestionnaireAttrs
  Member nameValueDescription
ShowPrevQuestions1As user pages through the questionnaire, show previous quesions and answers.
ImmediateNext2Move user forward to next question when user answers a question.
NumberItems4Number the questions.
NumberContinue8Continue this questionnaire's question numbering from the previous questionnaire.
ButtonsBelow16Place questionnaire answer buttons below the questions vs. to the right.
ShowAllQuestions32Show all questions on the page at one time.
FieldAjaxSave64Fire the FieldAjaxSave event as each question is answered.
NoImmediateNextOnLast128Do not move user forward to next question when user answers the final question on the page.
IgnoreMoveNextFunctionality256Ignore the "Move Forward" logic in the Questionnaire that shows all questions if the questionnaire senses that we're not "moving forward" in the wizard.
NoWizNextPrevOverride512Removes the WizNext() / WizPrev() override script from the element's client script.
CollapseQuestionOnAnswer1024Hides the current question and replaces it with a message and a button allowing re-expansion of the question + answer.
See Also