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MapperExportOptions Enumeration

Options affecting how mapper data is exported.

Namespace:  NetQuarry
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum MapperExportOptions
  Member nameValueDescription
NoHeader1Do not include a row header in the export.
NoGroupHeader2Do not include a group row header in the export. Applies only when grouping is present.
NoColumnGrouping4 Do not include a 2nd row header (grouping the header captions) in the export. This has no effect if NoHeader is set or GroupListColumn is not in use. See also ColumnGroupInCaption.
ColumnGroupInCaption8 Include any column grouping caption in the header row in the export. This has no effect if NoHeader or NoColumnGrouping is set or GroupListColumn is not in use.
NoUserHiddenFields65536Do not include user-hidden fields in the export.
NoUserColumnOrdering131072Do not apply custom column ordering in the export.
ReportMode262144This export is from a report and columns should match exactly in visibility and order per the mapper FieldColumnList.
AutoFitHeight524288Allow Excel to auto-fit the height of the row to its cell contents.
HonorFieldLabelOptions1048576 When determining the caption for the column header in the export, honor the LabelOptions - LabelOptions attributes for the fields in the export. Typically affecting label visibility or format.
See Also