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TemplateReplaceFlags Enumeration

Namespace:  NetQuarry
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum TemplateReplaceFlags
  Member nameValueDescription
NoHtmlEscape1The replacement values should NOT be escaped for HTML before replacement. By default, the replacement text is escaped.
ConvertLinks2Convert any http/https links in the text into anchor tags.
CaseSensitiveTokens4Tokens are case-sensitive. By default tokens replacement is case-insensitive.
DoNotResolveExpressions8Do not resolve embedded functions in the template (!fn notation items resolved using EmbeddedParser).
HighlightUnresolvedValues16Replace unresolved value markups with HTML highlighting tags.
ThrowIfFileNotFound32 If the file was specified, but not found, that's really an error. However, for backward compatibility, don't throw an error unless told to do so.
DoNotResolveTemplates64 Do not resolve any inner templates (see Template). This is primarly intended for internal use to prevent infinite recursion, but may be useful for other purposes.
See Also