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WizAttrs Enumeration

Attributes that apply to wizard pages, IWizardTemplate (for attributes for wizard page elements see WizPageAttrs). Set in the Studio using the WizardAttributes property and accessed programmatically via WizardAttributes.

Namespace:  NetQuarry
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum WizAttrs
  Member nameValueDescription
NoStepCaption1The wizard should not show a step caption (e.g. Step 1 of 3).
ForceSortOrder2The wizard pages should be re-sorted after loading so base page elements and main page elements are sorted as one collection.
DescBelowSummary4Display any page (or page element) description below any summary elements.
DescTwoPart8Display any page description at top of wizard page, and any page element description below (and below any summary elements).
ShowStepBar16Show the StepBar progress indicator in the wizard.
ChainsToWizard32This wizard chains to another wizard, but this should be as seemless as possible to the user.
WhenNothingSavedContinue64Suppress the 'NothingSaved' message (which generally indicates a wizard configuration problem - see devlog). Set the NOTHING_SAVED_MSG page text to customize the message instead.
WhenNothingSavedWarn128Display the 'NothingSaved' message (which generally indicates a wizard configuration problem - see devlog) then continue. Set the NOTHING_SAVED_MSG page text to customize the message.
NoPrimaryInstance512There is no PrimaryInstance for this wizard.
LoadPrimaryInstance1024If data for the page's PrimaryInstance has not been loaded into UserData, load it from the page's mapper during wizard initialization.
NoSaveInstanceOfDisabledPages2048On wizards with pages disabled by querystring param dispgs, do not instantiate a save on instances for pages that are disabled.
ClosePopupWhenDone4096The wizard should close the hosting window on cancel or finish if the wizard is opened as a popup.
NoSummary8192Do not generate or show a cumulative summary in this wizard. Set SummaryOmitPage to suppress a particular summary.
Uninitialized1073741824The attributes value has not been initialized. Intended for internal platform use.
CancelScriptOnClient16384 Render the CancelScript on the client as a click event vs. a postback. Note that the WizardCancel event will NOT be fired.
See Also