EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum WizAttrs
Public Enumeration WizAttrs
| Member name | Value | Description |
| NoStepCaption | 1 | The wizard should not show a step caption (e.g. Step 1 of 3). |
| ForceSortOrder | 2 | The wizard pages should be re-sorted after loading so base page elements and main page elements are sorted as one collection. |
| DescBelowSummary | 4 | Display any page (or page element) description below any summary elements. |
| DescTwoPart | 8 | Display any page description at top of wizard page, and any page element description below (and below any summary elements). |
| ShowStepBar | 16 | Show the StepBar progress indicator in the wizard. |
| ChainsToWizard | 32 | This wizard chains to another wizard, but this should be as seemless as possible to the user. |
| WhenNothingSavedContinue | 64 | Suppress the 'NothingSaved' message (which generally indicates a wizard configuration problem - see devlog). Set the NOTHING_SAVED_MSG page text to customize the message instead. |
| WhenNothingSavedWarn | 128 | Display the 'NothingSaved' message (which generally indicates a wizard configuration problem - see devlog) then continue. Set the NOTHING_SAVED_MSG page text to customize the message. |
| NoPrimaryInstance | 512 | There is no PrimaryInstance for this wizard. |
| LoadPrimaryInstance | 1024 | If data for the page's PrimaryInstance has not been loaded into UserData, load it from the page's mapper during wizard initialization. |
| NoSaveInstanceOfDisabledPages | 2048 | On wizards with pages disabled by querystring param dispgs, do not instantiate a save on instances for pages that are disabled. |
| ClosePopupWhenDone | 4096 | The wizard should close the hosting window on cancel or finish if the wizard is opened as a popup. |
| NoSummary | 8192 | Do not generate or show a cumulative summary in this wizard. Set SummaryOmitPage to suppress a particular summary. |
| Uninitialized | 1073741824 | The attributes value has not been initialized. Intended for internal platform use. |
| CancelScriptOnClient | 16384 |
Render the CancelScript on the client as a click event vs. a postback.
Note that the WizardCancel event will NOT be fired.
See Also