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WizPageAttrs Enumeration

Flags specifying the behaviour of an IWizPage element.

Namespace:  NetQuarry
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum WizPageAttrs
  Member nameValueDescription
ShowSummary1The page should show a wizard summary on the page. By default this is a cumulative summary.
SummaryShowPrimaryOnly2For the summary, show only the primary instance summary (requires ShowSummary).
SummaryShowCurrentPage4For the summary, includes the current page summary even if it is not the primary instance (requires ShowSummary).
SummaryOmitPage8Do not make this page's summary, if any, available for use on other pages. Set NoSummary to suppress all summaries.
SummaryHidePrimary16For the summary, do not show the primary instance summary.
SummaryInitOpen32This page's summary should be open initially.
CreateNew64This page always creates new records.
InvalidatesLaterPages128Changes to this page invalidates data enterred in later pages. Set the InvalidatingFields property to limit this.
SummaryShowUnselected256Include unselected items in summary. Applies to list pages with selectors only.
ShowMapperCommands512Expose MapperCommand commands on the page.
StrictMode1024This page should be run in the 'strict' security mode. See IsStrictMode.
StepBarIfUsed2048This page should only be shown in the StepBar once the page has used. Applies only when the wizard's ShowStepBar attribute is set.
SaveOnNext4096WARNING: PARTIALLY IMPLEMENTED -- CANNOT BE USED WITH STANDARD WIZARD FINAL SAVE. This page should save as soon as the user moves to the next page (and not wait until wizard finish).
ValidateVisibleOnly8192Do not perform client-side validation on controls in hidden panes. This allows client side hide/show.
ExistingRecord16384This page hosts an existing record rather than creating a new record. It should update values rather than insert.
See Also