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PicklistAttrs Enumeration

Attributes affecting Picklist behaviour.

Namespace:  NetQuarry
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum PicklistAttrs
  Member nameValueDescription
Cache1This list should be cached. Note that caching is not tenant-specific unless SupportsVocabText is also set.
HasDiscrim2This list uses a discriminator to break items into sets.
LimitToList4This list has at least 2 columns and the values must come from the list.
HideUnknownItems8The list should hide unknown items.
MarkUnknownItems16The list should mark unknown items.
StoreAltText32The list stores the item's Alternate Key Text column in the DB and uses it as it's ID.
StoreAltInt64The list stores the item's Alternate Key Int column in the DB and uses it as it's ID.
StoreItemName128The list stores the item's Name column in the DB and uses it as it's ID.
NoNullEntry256The list does not need to provide a null entry.
SortByText512List should be sorted by the display text.
SortDesc1024List should be sorted in DESC order. (Standard Picklists only)
SortByKey2048List should be sorted by the stored key.
AllowUserAdd4096 Obsolete. Deprecated - Users can add new items to this list (providing they have Configuration permission). This attribute has been deprecated and may be repurposed in the future.
AllowUserDelete8192 Obsolete. Deprecated - Users can remove items from this list (providing they have Configuration permission). This attribute has been deprecated and may be repurposed in the future.
AllowUserUpdate16384 Obsolete. Deprecated - Users can update items in this list (providing they have Configuration permission). This attribute has been deprecated and may be repurposed in the future.
BitFlags32768 Each individual picklist item is represented in the database by a single bit in an integer value. Multiple items may be represented by ORing the bits together. Data stored in this manner is natural with Enum picklists based on enumerations marked with the FlagsAttribute attribute. Note, however, that localization is not really supported on Enum picklists.
Disabled65536The picklist is disabled.
IgnoreWhitespace131072Ignore leading and trailing whitespace when matching values.
GroupByFirstChar262144Group items by the first letter of text. Requires installation of OptionGroupAdapter.
GroupByTextPrefix524288Group items by the initial text enclosed in square brackets ('[]'). The brackets and contained text will be removed from the item's text string.
KeySameAsText1048576For each item, its key and text are the same.
NoOptimization2097152Do not optimize this picklist. Typically set on picklists with complex SQL that the platform may parse incorrectly.
Volatile4194304The mapper should refresh this picklist whenever it performs an insert/update/delete.
TipInText8388608The item's text includes text and tooltip which are delimited by a vertical pipe character ('|').
GroupingDisabled16777216Do not apply any grouping to this picklist.
HideDisabledIndicator33554432Do not apply -- Disabled! suffix to disabled items.
SupportsVocabText67108864This pickist supports tenant specific vocabulary as display text. When Cache is also set, this forces caching to be tenant-specific.
ImageInText134217728This pickist is an image picklist. The path to the image is stored in the caption, as the 3rd element delimited by the pipe '|' character.
ResolveEmbedded268435456This pickist has embedded functions (NOT field expressions) in the text that should be resolved.
RoleSpecificContent536870912If this picklist is cached, then the picklist should cache the picklist with respect to the roles of the user.
See Also