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TemplateNodeMarker Class

This class serves as a sort of enumeration of template marker prefix characters. These characters are used to determine the TemplateNodeType. For example, a marker like {{&first_name}} indicates that the marker should be replaced by the HTML-escaped caption for the referenced IField.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  NetQuarry
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public static class Marker

The TemplateNodeMarker type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberCaption
An ampersand ("&") marker prefix indicates that the marker should be substituted with the IField caption (see TemplateNodeType.Caption).
Public fieldStatic memberHasValue
An equals-sign ("=") marker prefix indicates that the marker should be substituted with "1" or "" (empty string) depending on whether or not the field's DisplayText has a non-null/non-blank value. This marker is appropriate for use in show-if and show-if-eval expressions such as data-showif="{{=desc_html}}" where the related content would be shown if, and only if, the desc_html field had some non-null/non-blank value. Similarly, a data-showif-eval="!'{{=desc_html}}'" can be used to show related content if, and only if, the desc_html IS null/blank. Note the use of ticks in the show-if-eval case since the negative case results in an empty string meaning that the expression will resolve to either '1' (when true), or '' (when false).
Public fieldStatic memberImmediateEdit
A plus sign ("+") marker prefix indicates that the marker should be substituted with the IField ImmediateEdit HTML (see TemplateNodeType.ImmediateEdit).
Public fieldStatic memberNavLink
A slash ("/") marker prefix indicates that the marker should be substituted with the IField NavLink HTML (see TemplateNodeType.NavLink).
Public fieldStatic memberNumeric
A number-sign/pound/hash ("#") marker prefix indicates that the marker should be substituted with the IField raw value (see TemplateNodeType.RawValue) unless that value is null or blank in which case zero "0" should be used. This marker is appropriate for use in show-if-eval expressions such as "{{#is_disabled}}==0" where a null value for is_disabled would evaluate to "==0" with the "*" marker, but "0==0" with the "#" marker.
Public fieldStatic memberRawValue
An asterisk ("*") marker prefix indicates that the marker should be substituted with the IField raw value (see TemplateNodeType.RawValue).
Public fieldStatic memberTemplate
A percent ("%") marker prefix indicates that marker identifies an inner template that should be expanded and that expanded content used to replace the marker. (see TemplateNodeType.Template). This usage differs from most other markers where the marker identifies a mapper field. Note that at this time only one level of template nesting is supported.
See Also