Click or drag to resize

IToggler Interface

The toggler control presents a small button (by default a plus/minus) allowing the user to hide/unhide the associated control via javascript. The associated control is typically a DIV (.Net Panel).

There are currently two implementations of IToggler:

  • Toggler - The original platform toggler WebControl.
  • TogglerB - The new toggler WebControl implemented using standard Bootstrap CSS and javascript.

Namespace:  NetQuarry
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public interface IToggler

The IToggler type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAltCloseText
Gets sets the text for use in the toggler's HTML ALT tag when the toggler is open and clicking on the toggler will cloes the content. Provided for improved accessibility by the visually impaired.
Public propertyAltOpenText
Gets sets the text for use in the toggler's HTML ALT tag when the toggler is closed and clicking on the toggler will open the content. Provided for improved accessibility by the visually impaired.
Public propertyOpen
Gets/sets the open/closed state of the toggler.
Public propertyPostToggleJS
Javascript to be included in the onclick (or Bootstrap event handler) handler after the toggle script itself.
Public propertyPreferenceOpenName
Gets/sets the name of the toggler open/closed state preference for this toggler.
Public propertyPreToggleJS
Javascript to be included in the onclick (or Bootstrap event handler) before the toggle script itself.
See Also