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PageDisplayAttrs Enumeration

Attributes that modify the page display.

Namespace:  NetQuarry
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum PageDisplayAttrs
  Member nameValueDescription
NoFilterByForm1Do not show the Filter By Form (FBF) row in lists.
NoCheckBoxes2Do not show checkboxes in the list.
NoCaption4Do not show the caption on the page.
NoDetail16Do not allow navigation to a corresponding detail page.
NoPinning32Do not allow users to pin items.
NoSelection64Do not show page selected row or selected row color.
NoFreezing128Do not freeze header rows and columns in lists.
ProportionalSizing256Use proportional sizing for the elements on this page.
NoCount512Set the Mapper's NoCount attribute for this page or page element.
NoColOrdering1024Do not allow users to reorder columns in lists.
DisplayAggregates2048If page's mapper has the AllowPageToDisplay aggregate setting then show aggregates on this page or page element.
NoBreadcrumbs4096This page should not participate in the application breadcrumb trail.
BreadcrumbReset8192Navigation to this page should reset the application breadcrumb trail.
NoColResizing16384Do not allow users to resize columns in lists.
NoGrouping32768Do not allow users to apply custom grouping. Typically set when list already has a DefaultGrouping.
NoSorting65536Do not allow users to sort columns in lists.
NoColButtons131072Do not provide column buttons in datasheet column headers (applies to fields marked with SupportsColumnClick).
NoPaging262144Do not provide controls for paging through data (typically for lists).
See Also