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FieldListOptions Enumeration

Options affecting behaviour of IField objects in list views.

Namespace:  NetQuarry.Data
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum FieldListOptions
  Member nameValueDescription
RetainLineBreaks1Retain line breaks in the content in list views.
RestrictLength2Restrict the length of the content (currently to approximately 500 characters).
Trim4Trim leading and trailing whitespace.
LinkIfTruncated8Provide a link to the detail record if content is truncated.
NoAutoSuggest16Do not provide AutoSuggest in editable datasheets. Applies only when the AutoSuggest cell attribute is set.
AllowLockedFieldSave32Allow EditInList saving even if field is detected to be locked during the BulkUpdate. Use with CAUTION - overrides standard list security which prevents this.
UseAsSelector64Render this field in the Find datasheet as an item selector.
NoFillDown128Prevents datasheet FillDown from being applied on this field.
SupportsColumnClick256This field provides handling for FieldButtonClick events on an entire column. Suppress by setting NoColButtons.
See Also