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KeyDisplayCollectionFlags Enumeration

Flags to modify the behavior of the MapperExec command, KeyDisplayCollectionGet KeyDisplayCollectionGet

Namespace:  NetQuarry.Data
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum KeyDisplayCollectionFlags
  Member nameValueDescription
IncludeFieldCaptions1 For each field value added to the collection, also include the associated field label caption. The caption will be added to the collection using the field key prefixed with "&", e.g. "&country_id".
VisibleFieldsOnly2 Only values for visible fields should be extracted. Content for other fields is suppressed and blank values are returned instead of the actual value. This allows for suppression of such fields in template and MiniDetail presentation. When this flags is not set all fields are resolved except those marked Sensitive or not having Read for the current user. Note that if a field's value is suppressed and IncludeFieldCaptions is set, its label will also be suppressed.
IncludeCaptionSuffix4 When including field labels include any suffix (e.g. ":"). Requires IncludeFieldCaptions to be set.
IncludeEditableValues8 Include substitution values for Template editable field references. Such references are of the for [[+xyz]] or {{+xyz}} where xyz is the field key and the brackets are delimiters. The substitution key will not include the delimiters but will include the "+" flag.
OmitPasswordValues16 Omit Password and SecureText field values replacing the values with text indicating that the value was omitted in this preview (e.g. 'OMITTED IN PREVIEW'). This is used by the TemplateMailer when rendering email previews.
IncludeRawValues32 For each field value added to the collection, also include the associated field's raw value. The raw value will be added to the collection using the field key prefixed with "*", e.g. "*country_id".
IgnoreInnerTemplates64 Do not include any inner templates (see Template) when obtaining name/value pairs. This is primarly intended for internal use to prevent infinite recursion, but may be useful for other purposes.
See Also