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GetFilterFlags Enumeration

Flags specifying how a filter is to be built.

Namespace:  NetQuarry.Data
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum GetFilterFlags
  Member nameValueDescription
PreFilterOnly16777216Include pre-filter filters only.
NoPreFilter33554432Do not include pre-filter filters.
FutureEval67108864 This filter is intended for future evaluation and so should be rendered with embedded functions where evaluation is time-dependent. For example, "dt=Today" is rendered as "!fnTimePeriod(dt, ::Today::)".
UseSeparator134217728 Join multiple filter or description clauses using ClauseSeparator instead of the normal conjunction " AND " for filters and the locale equivalent of English " and " for descriptions. Munged filters/descriptions created in this manner may be split into their original separate clauses using SplitClauses(String).
IncludePK1Include filters marked as Primary Key filters.
IncludeSecurity65536Include filters marked as being set for security purposes.
IncludeUser131072Include filters marked as having been generated in response to user UI interaction.
IncludeRemoveable524288Include removeable filters (whether applied or not).
IncludeApplied1048576Include applied removeable filters.
IncludeStatic262144Include static filters.
IncludeParent2097152Include parent filters.
IncludeAllTypes16711809Include all filters regardless of purpose.
IncludeDisabled16Include disabled filters.
See Also