GetFilterFlags Enumeration |
Flags specifying how a filter is to be built.
EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum GetFilterFlags
Public Enumeration GetFilterFlags
| Member name | Value | Description |
| PreFilterOnly | 16777216 | Include pre-filter filters only. |
| NoPreFilter | 33554432 | Do not include pre-filter filters. |
| FutureEval | 67108864 |
This filter is intended for future evaluation and so should be rendered with embedded functions where
evaluation is time-dependent. For example, "dt=Today" is rendered as "!fnTimePeriod(dt, ::Today::)".
| UseSeparator | 134217728 |
Join multiple filter or description clauses using ClauseSeparator instead of
the normal conjunction " AND " for filters and the locale equivalent of English " and " for descriptions.
Munged filters/descriptions created in this manner may be split into their original separate clauses using
| IncludePK | 1 | Include filters marked as Primary Key filters. |
| IncludeSecurity | 65536 | Include filters marked as being set for security purposes. |
| IncludeUser | 131072 | Include filters marked as having been generated in response to user UI interaction. |
| IncludeRemoveable | 524288 | Include removeable filters (whether applied or not). |
| IncludeApplied | 1048576 | Include applied removeable filters. |
| IncludeStatic | 262144 | Include static filters. |
| IncludeParent | 2097152 | Include parent filters. |
| IncludeAllTypes | 16711809 | Include all filters regardless of purpose. |
| IncludeDisabled | 16 | Include disabled filters. |
See Also