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MapperMode Enumeration

Mapper mode specifies how the mapper is being used and controls the overall look and behaviour of the mapper.

Namespace:  NetQuarry.Data
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum MapperMode
  Member nameValueDescription
Standard0The mapper is being used as a standard grid.
SingleSelector1The mapper is being used to select a single record.
MultiSelector2The mapper is being used to select multiple records.
StaticList3The mapper is being used as a static list.
Report4The mapper is being used for list report.
SingleRepeatedSelector5The mapper is being used to repeatedly select single items from the list.
StaticMultiSelector6The mapper is being used to static list for selection of multiple records.
MiniEditList7The mapper is being used in a MiniList set to allow editing.
See Also