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AggregateQueryExprFlags Enumeration

Flags for use with the AggregateQueryExpr.

Namespace:  NetQuarry.Data
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum AggregateQueryExprFlags
  Member nameValueDescription
ReturnDescription1Specifies that the description of the expression will be returned rather than the expression itself.
ReturnBecomesNumeric2 Specifies that a boolean should be returned specifying whether the field's aggregate method results in a numeric value where normally a non-numeric would be expected. The primary purpose of this is to allow for right justification of text that would normally be left-justified.
AggOfAgg4 This aggregation is an aggregate of aggregates. Not all aggregates can themselves be aggregated, but many can. This is currently used when calculating aggregates for rollups (which are themselves aggregates). In particular, the following aggregations can themselves be aggregated currently: Sum, SumBig, Count, CountDistinct, CountStar, Sum, Min, Max.
RollupField8 Identifies the field as a grouper field in a roll-up.
See Also