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ToolTipOptions Enumeration

Option specifying how IField.ToolTip should be handled.

Namespace:  NetQuarry.Data
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum ToolTipOptions
  Member nameValueDescription
ShowTipInPlace1The tooltip should be displayed in place on the page.
SuppressTip2The tooltip should be suppressed.
PlaceTipOnRight16When combined with ShowTipInPlace, specifies that the tooltip should be displayed to the right of its field.
PlaceTipBelow32When combined with ShowTipInPlace, specifies that the tooltip should be displayed below its field.
ShowInList64Show this field's tooltip on cells in list views.
PermAggBubbleTip256Add a permanently visible bubble tip to this field's aggregate cell. Ignored when no aggregate shown.
NoBubbleTipIfLocked512Use normal tooltip, rather than bubble tip, on this field's control when locked.
TipOnTextBox1024On BndLkup-based controls, add the tip to the control's TextBox, instead of its icon button.
ShowTipWhenDisabled2048Show the tooltip on this control even when disabled.
UseOnImmediateSave4096Allow tooltip to be used as the immediate save tooltip.
ContainsHtml8192This tooltip contains HTML markups. Note that in-place tips always assume HTML. For popup tips, HTML support requires BubbleTips be enabled.
See Also