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FieldDiffOptions Enumeration

Options for use when "diff'ing" IField new vs. old value via DiffValues.

Namespace:  NetQuarry.Data
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum FieldDiffOptions
  Member nameValueDescription
Atomic1Treat the field value as atomic and show any change as a complete replacement of the old value with the new value rather than performing a character-by-character diff.
ExcelDiff2Use Microsoft Excel markups in the diff.
IncludeCaption4Include the field caption in the diffed text.
ForReadableAudit8Format the returned text for readable audit.
TreatAsSecure16The field should be treated as secure for purposes of generating the diff.
IsNew32This diff concerns a new record and any OldValue is not meaningful. Primarily intended for use when auditing secure fields.
IsDelete64This diff concerns a record being deleted. Primarily intended for use when auditing secure fields.
See Also