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FieldValidationRule Enumeration

A field validation rule can be specified to add additional data-specific field validation. In some-cases the validation may be server-side only.

Namespace:  NetQuarry.Data
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum FieldValidationRule
  Member nameValueDescription
Default0 Perform the standard, default validation only. This is the default setting.
Mask1 Perform server-side validation that the field value matches the field's mask (see TextBox_Mask. This has no effect if no mask is specified.
EmailAddress2 Perform server-side validation that the value is a valid email address. For EmailAddr client-side validation is normally performed as well, but for backward compatibility no server-side validation the server-side validation is only performed if this rule is specified.
PhoneNumber3 Perform server-side validation that the value is a reasonable phone number. No attempt is made to ascertain whether or not the phone number is an active phone number, only that it is potentially valid. This validation does not attempt to alter the format of the phone number for display or storage purposes.
See Also