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FullTextSearchAttributes Enumeration

Flags used to control the behaviour of IMapper Full-Text Search.

Namespace:  NetQuarry.Data
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum FullTextSearchAttributes
  Member nameValueDescription
SupportsRanking1The full-text search should support the RANK column.
AlwaysUseSubquery2The full-text search should always use a subquery in it's filtering.
CombineInflectional256The FTS should include standard INFLECTIONAL filtering on each search token. May be combined with any of the other Combine* attributes. This is the default if no Combine* attributes are specified.
CombineStartsWith512The FTS should include starts-with filtering on each search token unless the search string has any FTS special characters. May be combined with any of the other Combine* attributes.
CombineQuoted1024The FTS should include quoted (literal) filtering the entire search text unless the search string has a double-quote character. May be combined with any of the other Combine* attributes.
CombinationMask65280A mask for separating out the combinable Combine* attributes.
InnerHashJoin65536 Force the full-text search to be joined in using an INNER HASH JOIN. Normally for best performance you should allow the SQL-Server optimizer to determine the type of join to use, but in specific circumstances you may want to provide this hint to improve performance.
InnerLoopJoin131072 Force the full-text search to be joined in using an INNER LOOP JOIN. Normally for best performance you should allow the SQL-Server optimizer to determine the type of join to use, but in specific circumstances you may want to provide this hint to improve performance.
InnerMergeJoin262144 Force the full-text search to be joined in using an INNER MERGE JOIN. Normally for best performance you should allow the SQL-Server optimizer to determine the type of join to use, but in specific circumstances you may want to provide this hint to improve performance.
InnerJoinMask983040A mask for testing for the Inner*Join attributes.
See Also