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FieldFilterFlags Enumeration

Option flags for use with FilterClause.

Namespace:  NetQuarry.Data
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum FieldFilterFlags
  Member nameValueDescription
UseCurrentValue1Build the filter based on the field's current value.
OperandInValue2The comparison operand is prepended to the filter value provided in parameter #1, e.g. ">=100".
OperandInParam24The comparison operand is provided in parameter #2.
UseOldValue8Filter based on the field's OldValue.
UseColumnName16Filter using the field's ColumnName property instead the field Key.
WarnIfValueIsNull32Log a warning to the DevLog if the filter value is null. This is used internally to help detect invalid filtering on null primary keys.
RawValue64The filter value provided and should not have a picklist or CheckBox conversion applied.
ValidateDataType128Validate that the data can be coerced into the proper underlying type of the field. The default behavior is to throw an exception if it cannot.
IgnoreConjunctions256Conjunction keywords (e.g. AND and/or OR) should not be considered conjunctions when building this filter.
NoFilterIfNoMatch512 Applies only on fields with picklists. Normally on fields with picklist, if we find no matches we build a filter guaranteed to find no records. However, if the this flag is set it means that we really only want a filter if it makes sense (meaning it seems to match) and that we should NOT generate a filter if we don't find any matches (which essentially tells the caller that we found no matches and that some other variety of filtering might be better).
ForRowFilter1024 This filter will be used for a DataView RowFilter. RowFilters have syntax limitations that must be observed.
Recursing2048 PROVIDED FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY. Indicates that this filter clause is part of a recursive construction.
FutureEval4096 This filter is intended for future evaluation and so should be rendered with embedded functions where evaluation is time-dependent. For example, "dt=Today" is rendered as "!fnTimePeriod(dt, ::Today::)".
AsShadowColumn8192 This field is being used as a ShadowColumn and the provided filter criteria is being provided by the shadow's referencing field. When set, the field should construct its filter according to any ShadowAlgorithm for filtering against data in its shadow form.
CaseSensitive16384 This field should be filtered case-sensitively. May be combined with AccentInsensitive. When used programmatically, this flag overrides any CaseSensitive options specified in meta-data as well as any -collate user filtering switch. Note that forcing case-sensitive filtering can have a severe performance impact when filtering on large data sets.
AccentInsensitive32768 This field should be filtered accent-insensitively. May be combined with CaseSensitive. When used programmatically, this flag overrides any AccentInsensitive options specified in meta-data as well as any -collate user filtering switch. Note that forcing accent-insensitive filtering can have a severe performance impact when filtering on large data sets.
See Also