DispTextFlags Enumeration |
EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
Syntax [FlagsAttribute]
public enum DispTextFlags
Public Enumeration DispTextFlags
| Member name | Value | Description |
| HtmlEncode | 1 | Encode the result for use in HTML. |
| NoWrap | 2 | Include the result in an HTML NOBR tag. |
| UseOldValue | 4 | Get the DisplayText for the field's OldValue. |
| IndicateBlank | 8 | If the text would be blank return a non-blank string indicating this. |
| IgnorePicklist | 16 | Ignore any picklist when generating display text. |
| IgnoreDiscrim | 32 | Ignore the discrim, if necessary, when generating item text. |
| ReadOnly | 64 | The text is for read-only use. Typically this means it does not have to be parsable. |
| ForAggregate | 128 | The text is for display of an aggregate value. For example, a Count or CountDistinct of guid or text data will be formatted as an integer. |
See Also