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DispTextFlags Enumeration

Option flags for use with DisplayTextGet(DispTextFlags).

Namespace:  NetQuarry.Data
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum DispTextFlags
  Member nameValueDescription
HtmlEncode1Encode the result for use in HTML.
NoWrap2Include the result in an HTML NOBR tag.
UseOldValue4Get the DisplayText for the field's OldValue.
IndicateBlank8If the text would be blank return a non-blank string indicating this.
IgnorePicklist16Ignore any picklist when generating display text.
IgnoreDiscrim32Ignore the discrim, if necessary, when generating item text.
ReadOnly64The text is for read-only use. Typically this means it does not have to be parsable.
ForAggregate128The text is for display of an aggregate value. For example, a Count or CountDistinct of guid or text data will be formatted as an integer.
See Also