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FilterFlags Enumeration

Flags specifying additional information about a MapperFilter in a MapperFilters collection.

Namespace:  NetQuarry.Data
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum FilterFlags
  Member nameValueDescription
PK1This is a PrimaryKey filter.
IndividualField2This is a filter on an individual field (e.g. a FBF filter).
ToRemove8This item is marked for removal from the filters collection when the collection's RemoveMarkedItems method is called.
Disabled16This filter is disabled and should not be used.
HideFromUser32Don't show information about this filter to the user.
PreFilter64This filter is to be used in a pre-filter.
Essential128This filter is essential for proper functioning of the mapper and should never be removed under any circumstances.
Page256This is a page filter.
Named512This is a NamedFilter.
FTS1024This is a Full-Text Search filter. As such, there is no actual filter clause, but the description is meaningful.
ForSecurity65536This filter is used for security filtering.
ForUser131072This filter is used for user filtering (e.g. FBF filtering).
ForStatic262144This filter is used for static filtering.
Removeable524288This filter can be removed by the user.
Applied1048576This removeable filter is applied (toggled on) and should be used. Applies only to filters marked Removeable.
Parent2097152This is a parent filter.
RawValue4194304This is an IndividualField filter with a raw (not display text) filter value.
GetFilterFlagsMask2130706432Values reserved for GetFilterFlags.
See Also