EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum FilterFlags
Public Enumeration FilterFlags
| Member name | Value | Description |
| PK | 1 | This is a PrimaryKey filter. |
| IndividualField | 2 | This is a filter on an individual field (e.g. a FBF filter). |
| ToRemove | 8 | This item is marked for removal from the filters collection when the collection's RemoveMarkedItems method is called. |
| Disabled | 16 | This filter is disabled and should not be used. |
| HideFromUser | 32 | Don't show information about this filter to the user. |
| PreFilter | 64 | This filter is to be used in a pre-filter. |
| Essential | 128 | This filter is essential for proper functioning of the mapper and should never be removed under any circumstances. |
| Page | 256 | This is a page filter. |
| Named | 512 | This is a NamedFilter. |
| FTS | 1024 | This is a Full-Text Search filter. As such, there is no actual filter clause, but the description is meaningful. |
| ForSecurity | 65536 | This filter is used for security filtering. |
| ForUser | 131072 | This filter is used for user filtering (e.g. FBF filtering). |
| ForStatic | 262144 | This filter is used for static filtering. |
| Removeable | 524288 | This filter can be removed by the user. |
| Applied | 1048576 | This removeable filter is applied (toggled on) and should be used. Applies only to filters marked Removeable. |
| Parent | 2097152 | This is a parent filter. |
| RawValue | 4194304 | This is an IndividualField filter with a raw (not display text) filter value. |
| GetFilterFlagsMask | 2130706432 | Values reserved for GetFilterFlags. |
See Also