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Flavors Enumeration

Flavors are used to include/exclude particular IFields on a mapper based on mapper context. The IncludeFlavor and/or ExcludeFlavor can be set in meta-data. When the mapper loads its fields, the mapper's Flavor value is used in conjunction with each field's IncludeFlavor and ExcludeFlavor to determine if the field should be included or excluded from the mapper instance.

Namespace:  NetQuarry.Data
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum Flavors
  Member nameValueDescription
Custom11Reserved for use in custom applications as determined by that system's implementers.
Custom22Reserved for use in custom applications as determined by that system's implementers.
Custom34Reserved for use in custom applications as determined by that system's implementers.
Custom48Reserved for use in custom applications as determined by that system's implementers.
ListView16Use to control fields included/excluded from list pages.
Find32Use to control fields included/excluded from find pages.
Subform64Set on a mapper when the page it is being rendered by is in a subform.
SimpleDetail128Use to control fields included/excluded from simple detail pages.
Filter256Use to control fields included/excluded from filtering pages.
StandardDetail512Use to control fields included/excluded from standard detail pages.
MultiFindTarget1024Use to control fields included/excluded from multi-find targets.
WizardPage2048Use to control fields included/excluded from wizard pages.
ListSave4096Use to control fields included/excluded from a list save. This flavor is set during save of a list, vs. ListView for display of a list.
Summary8192Use to control fields included/excluded from summary views.
FindCriteria16384Use to control fields included/excluded from find criteria.
New32768Use to hide/lock fields on new records.
Existing65536Use to hide/lock fields on existing records.
MiniList131072Use to hide/exclude/include/lock fields on mini list views.
MiniDetail262144Use to hide/exclude/include/lock fields on mini detail views.
Import524288Use to hide/exclude/include/lock fields during import.
Print1048576Use to hide/exclude/include/lock fields on print pages.
RemoteMapper2097152Use for exporting in external interfaces.
Mobile4194304Use for mobile lists and details.
Report8388608Use to control fields included/excluded from report pages.
Custom516777216Reserved for use in custom applications as determined by that system's implementers.
Custom633554432Reserved for use in custom applications as determined by that system's implementers.
Custom767108864Reserved for use in custom applications as determined by that system's implementers.
Custom8134217728Reserved for use in custom applications as determined by that system's implementers.
Never1073741824This flavor should never be set on a mapper and can be used to ALWAYS exclude a field (providing a disabling mechanism).
CustomMask251658255All custom flavor bits.
See Also