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FieldImportAttrs Enumeration

Attributes specifying how an IField is to be handled during an import.

Namespace:  NetQuarry.Data
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum FieldImportAttrs
  Member nameValueDescription
RequireMapping1The field must be mapped to a field in the import file.
NoMappingRequiredForUpdate2The field may be required to be mapped for new records, but not for an update-only import.
RawValueFeed4The import value is a raw value and during import should not be converted from DisplayText using the field's picklist.
RawValueIfUnknown8If the value cannot be converted from DisplayText using the field's picklist, import the raw value.
RoundFromFloat16 Imported value may be floating point. Round to the closest int.
NoImportMapping32 This field should not be presented for mapping during an import.
IgnoreDiscrimOnPicklist64 Used on fields with discriminated picklists to turn on legacy handling. Prior to build the import process would ignore any discrim values on imported fields and simply resolve an import value to the first matching picklist item regardless of the discrim value. From build, fields with discrimmed picklists will now correctly attempt to resolve the import text against a picklist and provide the necessary discriminator. This is a potential breaking change and this option provides a way to revert to the original import functionality on a case by case basis.
TreatWarningsAsErrors128 If an import warning is raised on a field (for example not in list) then promote the warning to an error and prevent the row from being imported.
ErrorOnUnresolvedPicklist256 If an import field is mapped to a mapper field with a picklist and that import field has a value (not blank) and we discover the import value could not be resolved to a valid picklist entry, then raise an error for that import row.
See Also